С ед. числом 1 и 2 лица и множественного числа пишется have
Example: I have 2 brothers.
С 3 лицом ед. числа - has
Example: He has 3 cats.
Не употребляется с -ing окончанием, кроме стабильных враз.
Example: I having breakfast.
1 форма глагола: have
2 форма глагола: had
3 форма глагола: had
1. Russia occupies the eastern half of Europe and the northern third of Asia. 2. The climate of the
north-ern part of Russia is severe. 3. This winter is a true Russian winter with hard frosts. 4. It is
warm in the Crimea and the Caucasus. 5. Washington is the capital of the United States of Amer-
ica. 6. I want to go to New York some day. 7. The best way to know and understand the people
of other countries is to meet them in their own homes. 8. Is Australia an island or a continent? 9.
The Red Sea is between Africa and Asia. 10. There are six continents in the world. 11. France is
to the north of Italy.
1. I asked if you wonted me to read to you.
2. She said that all boys liked candy and offered me to eat that candy as she would bring me some more
3. She wanted to know what the telegram said and asked me to read it to her.
4. She asked me what the time was and added that her watch had stopped.
5. She said that when she was in the country she never wished to leave it and when she was in town it was pretty much the same
6. Elithabeth replied that I didn`t have to be too severe upon myself
7. I asked if she supposed them to be in London. She agreed and added that they couldn`be so well concealed anywhere else.
8.I said that you would better keep him interested till we got the scheme gone Loosen up
9. He asked what was the matter. She answered that she hadn`t been sleeping well the previous two or three nights
итак глагол have переводится как иметь на русском языке в единственом числе 1,2 лицо have а в 3 лице has во множественном числе во всех лицах have