Переделать предложения. образец: his pets like milk and cheese. - do his pets like milk and cheese? 1.)they go to the park. - 2.) her friends plsy tennis on sundays. - 3.) we go to school together. - 4.) you speak and read english well. - 5.) the sisters drink tea for breakfast. -
1.)They go to the park. - Do They go to the park. ? 2.) Her friends plsy tennis on Sundays. - Do Her friends plsy tennis on Sundays. ? 3.) We go to school together. - Do We go to school together.? 4.) You speak and read English well. - Do You speak and read English well.? 5.) The sisters drink tea for breakfast. - Do The sisters drink tea for breakfast?
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Интернет это очень хорошая технология ! Если ты используешь интернет , ты можешь найти немного информации для уроков . Насчёт плюсов . Ты можешь найти нужную информацию. Посмотреть картинки , видео . Сделать шпаргалки , но это плохо ! А так далее Насчёт минусов . Ты можешь испортить свои глаза . Можешь забыть про реальную жизнь , и о школе . Ты можешь сделать не правильные шпаргалки . На этом все .
Делала это недавно! Всё зависит от темы репортажа.. .Например, выборы Президента Украины (которые состоялись уже, но допустим что это перед выборами) : - Whom would you like to see as the next president of Ukraine? - Do you think the elections are going to be democratic this time? - In your opinion, why Timoshenko doesn't support Yushenko anymore? - Are you going to vote this year? - Do you think your vote will be counted or everything is decided already? - Do you like the current president? If not, please explain why. - Is it reasonable to believe in results of the exit-polls? - If Yanukovich wins, will he bring the stability into the country? - Could you give a reason why many people voting agains everybody this time? - Should elections be held every four years or people should choose a president for a longer period of time?
1.)They go to the park. - Do They go to the park. ?
2.) Her friends plsy tennis on Sundays. - Do Her friends plsy tennis on Sundays. ?
3.) We go to school together. - Do We go to school together.?
4.) You speak and read English well. - Do You speak and read English well.?
5.) The sisters drink tea for breakfast. - Do The sisters drink tea for breakfast?