What's it like in Japan?
I had always thought (раньше думал, до поездки, поэтому Past Perfect) that
Japanese people were quite reserved,
but they're really sociable. When we first
arrived, I joined a football club and I made lots of
American, English, and Japanese friends ( Past Simple потому что есть указание на ).
I have been learning the language for
three years now (действие началось в и длится до сих пор) and my Japanese friends
say I'm pretty good. But I don't like writing Japanese because I always get confused by the
characters. (тут речь о настоящем)
What do I miss most?
I miss the TV and my comics, though it is getting better all the time (ситуация меняется на момент речи, это длительное действие, Present Continuous). Soon I will able to buy my favourite American comic here. I also miss basketball, which was my favourite sport before we came to Japan. My mum misses her garden because we don't live in a house, but a fourth-floor apartment. (это тоже о настоящем, поэтому используется Present Simple)
Anyway, we will be back in Denver next year and I'm sure we all will miss so many things about Japan. (Future Simple для действий в будущем)
I know I'm only I 14 , but I've learned an awful
lot about myself from living abroad. I'm going
to feel very grown up compared to the other
kids when I get home.
Markets arose in ancient times wherever people needed to sell the goods they produced. For many centuries, the main way of trading was by barter, which meant exchanging goods. Nowadays such practices are rather uncommon, since people prefer to pay for their purchases with money. In many corners of the world people are still expected to haggle before completing a purchase. The customer and the seller will agree on a price, but only after what can often be a heated debate. I can remember spending a whole day negotiating the price for a single carpet in Istanbul, but it was worth it: the original price had been over £600, and I got it for a mere £200! Obviously, you should be aware that market traditions vary in different countries, and in some places haggling is an important part of the process of buying an item, while in others it would be advisable not to even attempt it.
Нужно вставить в пропуски слова, образованные от предложенных слов в рамках.
Чтобы образовать слово правильно, надо внимательно прочитать текст и определить, какая часть речи нужна в каждом случае.
Слова для текста:
1) arise - появляться, но в предложении говорится о , поэтому используем форму Past Simple - arose.
2) common - распространенный, но по смыслу должно быть наоборот, сегодня бартер не так распространен, значит, нужна форма uncommon
3) spend - тратить (время в данном случае). Поскольку речь идёт о воспоминании из , после remember нужен герундий - spending
4) advice - совет. В предложении пропущено прилагательное, которое должно следовать за be. Поэтому образуем слово advisable.