Dear David,
How are you? Sorry, I couldn't write earlier, as I had a lot to do.
Well, I think that Russian teenagers are just like every other teenagers. We just do the normal stuff, like watching a movie or meet our friends and go to some sort of restaurant or to Mc Donalds and eat there. We are also a really social country, we like to talk a lot, so a simple walk in the park is not bad either.
Oh, I didn't know you can skate! Do you have some other hobbies I don't know about? What about reading? I like to sing. How about you? Do you like music and singing?
Well I have to end now, as I still got a lot to do. Hope to hear from you soon.
мертвый-лес был сухой и черный,он словно мертвый,в нем не было ни единого зеленого деревца
the forest was dry and black, he seemed dead, it was not a single green tree.
скучать- мне никода не приходится подолгу скучать,потому что всегда найдется интересное занятие
I've never had a long time to get bored, because there is always an interesting exercise
конверт- мне прислали письмо в очень красивом конверте
I received a letter in a very nice envelope
бразильский- мне очень нравится бразильский кофе
I really like the Brazilian coffee
2) She said that she had gone to the cinema the day before
3) The mother asked her daughter where she had been