C Choose the correct item. Выбери правильный пункт.
16 On St. Patrick’s Day, we like to B) WATCH the parade (смотреть парад).
A listen B watch C eat
E Write the correct form of the verb in bracket
26) This IS Craig Bellows and his mother, Claire. They ARE from Scunthorpe. Craig and Claire 27) HAVE the same blond hair and blue eyes. In the picture, 28) Craig SAT on a swing and Claire 29)HELD him. They HAD a great time.41 What kind of hat is Paul wearing? - Paul is wearing a party hat
42 What is Paul doing? - He is blowing a party horn and drinking
some orange juice.
43 What are Paul's friends eating? - Paul's friends are eating sandwiches.
44 What is everybody listening to? - Everybody is listening to happy music.
45 Where are Paul's parents? - Paul's parents are in the kitchen.
In summer it's sunny and fine,
In autumn it's cloudy and rainy,
In spring I can jump up to the sky.
ɪn ˈwɪntər ɪts kəʊld ænd ˈsnəʊi
ɪn ˈsʌmər ɪts ˈsʌni ænd faɪn
ɪn ˈɔːtəm ɪts ˈklaʊdi ænd ˈreɪni
ɪn sprɪŋ aɪ kæn ʤʌmp ʌp tuː ðə skaɪ