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1. weather is fine today. let's go for a walk. i enjoy walking in good weather.
2. i can say i feel great respect for this man.
3. doesn't he understand that he is talking nonsense?
4. this is very interesting news. i would say news is shocking.
5. first of all you must think about health.
6. advice he gave me was useful indeed. he is clever man and always gives good
7. what he needs now is luck and i'm sure he will achieve success.
8. you've made great progress this year and got deep knowledge of the subject.
9. it was fun to watch children playing.
10. work must be done in time. it's urgent work.
1. he needs experience to become good doctor.
2. tim is of course a man of great physical strength.
3. information he has may be interesting to us.
4. he is interested in life of great people.
5. i think he had interesting life.
6. be careful not to break it. it's made of glass.
7. doctors say he mustn't eat meat. they say meat can do him harm.
8. the child ate soup very quickly. he always has soup for dinner.
9. fish doesn't smell good. don't eat it.
10. he likes strong tea with sugar and lemon.
1. waiter! i'd like juice and ice-cream, please.
2. don't give her ice-cream. she has a cold.
3. i don't want anything but plain water.
4. can i have bread and butter? - butter is in fridge and here is bread.
5. there is fire over there. some house is on fire.
6. i don't think english grammar is very difficult.
7. life is impossible without water and air.
8. tourists made fire and cooked food.
9. paper is rough. i need better paper.
10. only some animals are afraid of water but all animals are afraid of fire.

1. she says there is nothing better than cold tea on hot day.
2. he is interested in ancient history and knows much about life of people at that time.
3. mike says he doesn't like modern music but he always enjoys classical music.
4. is it easy to drive in thick fog? 5.wich is is cheaper, fuel or gas.​


1. ...The weather is fine today. Let's go for a walk. I enjoy walking in a... good weather.

2. I can say I feel great respect for this man.

3. Doesn't he understand that he is talking nonsense?

4. This is ...a very interesting news. I would say ...the news is shocking.

5. First of all you must think about health.

6. The... advice he gave me was useful indeed. He is ...a clever man and always gives good advice.

7. What he needs now is luck and I'm sure he will achieve success.

8. You've made ...a great progress this year and got deep knowledge of the subject.

9. It was fun to watch (the)... children playing.

10. The... work must be done in time. It's ...an urgent work.

1. He needs experience to become a... good doctor.

2. Tim is of course a man of great physical strength.

3. ...The information he has may be interesting to us.

4. He is interested in ...the life of great people.

5. I think he had an... interesting life.

6. Be careful not to break it. It's made of glass.

7. (The)... doctors say he mustn't eat meat. They say meat can do him harm.

8. The child ate ...the soup very quickly. He always has soup for dinner.

9. ...The fish doesn't smell good. Don't eat it.

10. He likes strong tea with sugar and lemon.

1. Waiter! I'd like a... juice and ...an ice-cream, please.

2. Don't give her (the)... ice-cream. She has a cold.

3. I don't want anything but plain water.

4. Can I have bread and butter? - The... butter is in the... fridge and here is ...the bread.

5. There is ...a fire over there. Some house is on fire.

6. I don't think English grammar is very difficult.

7. life is impossible without water and air.

8. ...The tourists made ...a... fire and cooked food.

9. The... paper is rough. I need better paper.

10. Only some animals are afraid of water but all animals are afraid of fire.

1. She says there is nothing better than ...(a) cold tea on ...a hot day.

2. He is interested in ancient history and knows much about the... life of people at that time.

3. Mike says he doesn't like modern music but he always enjoys classical music.

4. Is it easy to drive in thick fog?

5. Which is is cheaper, fuel or gas.​

4,7(30 оценок)
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1. We have live in Moscow now since 1960
2. I have studied English twice a week since childhood
3. It has been powered by the company three days a week for two years
4. They have gone to the store every Saturday since they moved here
5. We have meet each other sometimes for many years
6. I have known this man now since we went to school
7. I've been here every day since 9 o'clock
8. He has played football once a week since early childhood
9. He has driven a car now since he got the driving license
10. They have received letters from him regularly since last spring
4,5(76 оценок)

Великая засуха 1895–1903 гг. Событие Нино - это погодный образец, который

бывает, когда в помещении необычно теплая вода

тихий океан. Это может вызвать сильные дожди и наводнения в одних местах и засуху (когда нет дождя в течение длительного времени) в других. Между 1895 и 1903 годами, одно за другим, произошли три события @Nino, которые привели к одной из самых страшных засух в истории Австралии.

10 В течение этого длительного периода без дождей крупные реки пересыхали, и были периоды сильной жары. Условия были особенно плохими на западе Нового Южного Уэльса. Летом 1897 года была зафиксирована температура 52 ° C. За

за три недели в городе Берк была средняя температура 44 ° C, включая четыре дня 48 ° C. Сильные ветры вызвали пыльные бури, а в некоторых районах начались лесные пожары. Во многих городах было очень мало воды, и количество смертей в Новом Южном Уэльсе выросло более чем на 20%.

20 Следующие сезоны принесли немного дождя, но этого было недостаточно, чтобы земля восстановилась. К весне 1901 г. - очень засушливые условия существовали по всей восточной Австралии. Даже в двух городах, таких как Сидней, воды было не так много, но в сельскохозяйственных районах последствия были более серьезными. Год за годом урожай погибал 25


35 год

сельскохозяйственные животные погибли от голода и засухи, жажды. К концу количество овец в Австралии упало с 106 миллионов до 54 миллионов.

поголовье коров сократилось на 40%. Многие мелкие фермеры обнаружили, что не могут выжить, сдались и пошли пешком

со своей земли. Хотя в некоторых частях страны выпадал неплохой дождливый год. 1902 г., засуха сделала

наконец закончить до


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