Holidays in the not-too-distant future What a wonderful day! The work is over and my long-awaited vacation, a reward for a well-done job, begins now. I don’t need to pack, I sent a message on my control panel at home and a robot will do the rest. My personal digital assistant chose a tour, booked tickets and all I have to do now is call my friends, because chatting and joking are the only things gadgets can’t do. Everything is ready and I’m taking my seat on the space express that is going to take me to my destination point. After a short trip we are landing and I am finally in the land of holidays and warm summer! There are ten days of relaxing and entertainment ahead of me, my schedule is tight and I’m going to have a look at it for the first time. Cool! There is swimming in an atmospheric sea, stratospheric bungee jumping, ultraviolet bathes, and it’s in the mornings alone! In the afternoons I’m going to take part in quadcopter racing, cosmoball matches, and after that: isometric dances! Gosh, can’t wait for these ones! It’s a real pity all the members of my family have their vacations at different times. We rarely see each other, only on weekends, because today people live where they work or study. I hope I will have enough emotional experiences to share with my family when we finally meet face-to-face. This is the only thing that hasn’t been automated yet, maybe in the near future.
Second ConditionalsSecond Conditionals (imagine situations) – условные предложения II типа выражают действия, совершение которых в определенных ситуациях в настоящем и будущемоказывается нереальным. Вероятность, что действие произойдет, равна нулю.If -clauseMain clauseВероятность совершения действияPast Simplewould + infinitive without to0%Примеры:If I had a lot of money, I would travel round the world. – Если бы у меня было много денег, я бы путешествовал по всему свету. (но у меня нет таких денег) If I were you, I would drive more carefully in the rain. – Если бы я был на твоем месте, я бы вел машину аккуратнее во время дождя. (но я не на твоем месте)
studying in 2 class