1. He asked to remember that there were some subjects that were so important that everyone had to study them seriously.
2. He asked to make a list of my skills and interests.
3. He asked to match my interests and abilities with subjects I was going to study.
4.He told him to get key skills that employers wanted to see in their empoyees.
5. He said that If we had lots of job ideas, we had to find which qualifications we needed for each job.
6. He asked to get information about the courses that were offered by my school.
7.He said that if we couldn't choose a job right then, we shouldn't panic, but we were to find more information from books, websites and organisations.
8. He advised to discuss my choices with my relatives.
9. He advised not to be afraid of making decisions, to think of all the opportunities and see what I really wanted.
1)After four years of primary school classes I went to secondary school. - После четырех лет начальной школы я пошел в среднюю школу.
2)Primary and secondary school together comprise eleven years of study. - Начальная и средняя школа вместе составляют одиннадцать лет обучения.
3)The primary school curriculum has such subjects as Kazakh , Maths, Russian , Drawing , Physical Training and Music. - В учебную программу начальной школы входят такие предметы, как казахский язык, математика, русский язык, рисование, физкультура и музыка.
4) Our school year begins on the first of September and ends in May. It lasts 9 months. - Наш учебный год начинается первого сентября и заканчивается в мае. Он длится 9 месяцев.
5) On the first of September we will meet with our teachers. - Первого сентября мы встретимся с нашими учителями.
The major purpose of the book - to preserve the knowledge accumulated over centuries, and transmit them to future generations. Because of this was made possible the rapid progress of humanity in the past century in the field of science. Most scientific discoveries are made on the basis of the previously accumulated and systematized information, the results of experiments from around the world. The knowledge that we receive from the books allow us to move forward without wasting time on finding that someone already known. Book, we owe the fact that today we can enjoy the masterpieces of ancient literature.
Communication with the book helps a person to develop and improve. For in order to understand the meaning that the author tries to convey to the reader, should be read carefully, carefully, to connect their own experience, to be able to analyze the information. And if the reader is possible, before it opens a whole world of interesting events, deep spiritual experiences, intellectual discovery.
At all times, the book was treated as a shrine. Once, before the invention of printing technology, books were copied by hand, and their covers were adorned with gold and precious stones. Book book is considered to be the Bible - an ancient and eternal treasure trove of wisdom on all occasions that come to us through the complicated history of two millennia. Principles set out therein are relevant and life today.
The book, written many centuries ago, helps us to know the world and thinking of our ancestors, thus revealing the secrets of human nature. Through books we can trace the evolution of a person's world, social order, ethical standards. Books store all the known history of our existence on Earth.
Today, several book losing its position in relation to other high-tech means of communication. But, in my opinion, there is nothing wrong with that. E-books that can be found on the Internet is much easier and faster access to information, the right person. But supporters of the traditional reading of books will always be a lot, because communication with the printed book is a special feeling, if you talk to a live person.