april 12 in 2010 there was a major earthquake on the island of haiti. as a result, 222,570 people were killed. and 311 were injured. thousands of houses and almost all hospitals were destroyed in port-au-prince that day. about 3 million people were left homeless. among the destroyed buildings was the national palace and the prison building from which prisoners fled. sanitary and rescue work was carried out and as early as march 31, donor countries and international organizations allocated 9 million dollars for the reconstruction of haiti. to date, over the past 5 years, not a single natural disaster has been noticed on the island.
2. Які газети ви любите читати? None.
3. Які теми вони охоплюють? I don't know.
4. Які речі в ці газети привертають увагу читачів більше: реклами або статей? I don't know.
5. Ви коли-небудь пробували свої сили в редагуванні газети? No, never.
6. Хіба редактор повинен знати все, що публікується в газеті? It is hard to say.