There are a lot of breath-taking parks but I have always felt an affection for Kolomenskoye park. This is a three hundred hectares park situated not far from the city centre on the bank of the Moskva-river. It has a long and wide paved embankment with a lot of street lamps. It is a great place to walk at any time, however it looks really gorgeous in the evenings. The park has many heritage-listed landmarks and buildings. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, the Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoe is one of them. It was built in 1532 and was the first tent-roofed church in Russia. It is in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites in Russia. One more notable feature of the park is its vegetation. There are a few apple tree gardens, some pear and plum trees. There is also a unique meadow full of various herbs. You can feel and enjoy their smell while strolling there. Flower gardens should be also mentioned. There is a beautiful flower garden with statues and benches in the middle of the one apple tree garden. It looks so great that even an ardent garden can lose his sleep dreaming of copying it. So, if you want to feel the beauty of the nature without leaving busy and bustling Moscow, Kolomenskoye is waiting for you.
This is my friend. Her name is (имя твоего друга или подружки).She is 10 years old. She enjoy painting.She likes cakes and classic music.My friend always gives me help when I need it. My friend is someone I can trust, someone I can play games,do homework together. I love my friend!
Это моя лучшая подруга .Её имя ... Ей 10 лет.Она увлекается рисованием. Ей нравятся пироженки и классическая музыка.Моя подруга всегда мне если будет нужно. Она та кому я могу довериться, та с кем я могу играть, делать домашнюю работу вместе. Я люблю свою подругу!
Our teacher insist so that we to try to do understand english language.
I want happy all!