Upon the above question, different people have different opinions based on their feeling, education, culture, etc. Some people prefer to invent extraordinary cars that move from one continent to another in a few hours or make new robots to take care of babies. Frankly, if I could invent something new, I would definitely develop an advanced device to remove all the pollution from air, water and soil. In the following paragraphs, I will try to explain my position more clearly. First and foremost, air pollution is a major issue in big cities. Many people suffer from air pollution in winters and they have to move to countryside or towns to get rid of this problem. In my country, government has to close schools and factories in winters and it is has negative consequences both on education and economy of the country. In my opinion, a device that can eliminate pollutants is the most necessary thing for my country. In the second place, in most regions of the world, drinking water is contaminated by heavy metals like copper, cadmium and so forth. These metals are toxic to humans and people who drink this water are more prone to cancer and mental disorders. According to the latest researchers which were published in well-known journals, water pollution is the most significant challenge in developing countries and people have difficulties getting access to high quality water. Last but not least, soil pollution is another important problem not only in my country, but also in all over the world. A lot of factories release their wastes into the environment and pollute both the water and soil. Countless farmlands are surrounded by factories and since farmers grow plants in these regions, pollutants find their ways into our crops. Taking all the aforementioned arguments into account, it can be concluded that inventing a product that can eliminate or reduce heavy metals and other pollutants from air, water and soil is a great idea based on the reasons which I outlined above.
Frigates is the pride of every fleet. Fast, powerful and graceful ships with three masts. The term is used in different meanings, but they are usually denoted by a relatively large warship. Frigates could travel long distances faster than many ships. For this reason they were used in exploration. Also, these ships used for communication between several squadrons. However, a frigate, being well armed, could operate independently. Depending on the rank, the ships were armed with different numbers of guns. An average of 40 to 70 guns. Frigates are often used as a protection for merchant vessels from pirates. Frigates are not very difficult to manage, so it is often used for the training of the crew.
The Russian frigate appeared in 1805, as a result of activities Peter I. Russian frigates had about 44 guns. Russian frigates were built with a continuous deck, unlike frigates of the XVIII century, which were closed bow and stern parts, and the middle part of the upper deck was open. Among these frigates was made famous in 1854 in the defense of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, the frigate Aurora.