1.1-the strongest
1.2-the best
2.1 braver
Он храбрее чем его брат
2.2 kind
Моя младшая сестра такая же смешная как мой отец
2.3 warmest
Весна-не самое теплое время года
2.4 long
Некоторые змеи не такие длинные как крокодилы
2.5 shier
Он более застенчив чем его друг
3.1.-the wickest
3.2-as clever as
4.1 stronger-the strongest
4.2more difficult-the most difficult
4.3-better-the best
4.4 braver-the bravest
5.1-the biggest
5.2-the smallest
5.3-the most active
5.4-as big as big as
but it is bigger than
1. Prince William and Princess Kate live in Buckingham _palace_ . There is a big departament _store_ near my house. We often do the shopping there. My grandparents live in a _cottage_ in the countryside. When my family go fishing we always sleep in a _tent_ . I usually exercise at the _sport centre_ to keep fit. We can see a lot of works of art in the Tretyakov _gallery_ . If I want to have a _snack_, I go to the fast food retaurant. The opening and closing ceremony of the Olympiad – 2014 was at Fisht _stadium_ .
Task 2. Mustn't or needn't? We _mustn't_ hurry. We'll make mistakes. We _needn't_hurry. We're early. We _mustn't_ leave the door open. The rain will come in. We _needn't_ leave the door open. Peter has got a key. You _mustn't_ drive so fast. The police will stop you. You _needn't_ drive so fast. We've got a lot of time. You _needn't_ pay now. You can pay when the work is finished. You _mustn't_ smoke and use mobile phones on a plane.
I must do my homework. - я должна делать свои уроки