1. Pupils had been speaking about the climate of Russia during the lesson yesterday.
Past Perfect Continuous Passive
Перевод: Вчера во время урока ученики говорили о климате России.
2. We have an idea to restore this monument.
Present Simple Active
Перевод: У нас есть идея восстановить этот памятник.
3. English has always been the main language in the USA.
Present Perfect Active
Перевод: Английский язык был всегда основным языком в США.
4. The students were writing an essay during an hour yesterday.
Past Continuous Active
Перевод: Вчера в течение часа студенты писали эссе.
5. A group of Italian students will visit our city next week.
Future Simple Active
Перевод: Группа студентов из Италии посетят наш город на следующей неделе.
6. I knew that my friend had already entered the Wood Institute.
Past Simple Active; Past Perfect Simple
Перевод: Я знал, что мой друг уже поступил в Институт Древесины.
1) MY Best friend lives in Green Street. (Whom, Whose, Who)
Whose friend lives in Green Street?
2) Mrs Smith is IN HER OFFICE (When, Where, How)
Where is Mrs Smith?
3) I've got TWO bottles of milk at home (How many, How much, what)
How many bottles of milk have you got at home?
4) Mr. Black usually walks his dog EARLY IN THE MORNING. (Where, When, How often)
When does Mr Black usually walk his dog?
6) Why don't you use a dictionary when you translate from Russian into English - I know English? - I KNOW ENGLISH WELL. (How, what, Why)
7) You've got a fine collection of coins. Which coin do you like best? (What, Which, Whose)
8) I see a LITTLE GIRL in the yard. (Who, What, which)
Who do you see in the yard?
9) What does Eddy do for living? - HE'S BUSISSMAN. (How, Where, What)
10) How is the weather today? - IT IS SUNNY. (What, How, Which)