1. Russia is the largest country in the world in terms of area.
2. The area of Russia is approximately equal to the surface area of the planet Pluto.
3. Moscow is the capital of Russia, and it is one of the largest cities in the world.
4. Other main cities of Russia are St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Ekaterinburg and Omsk.
5. Russian language is considered one of the richest and difficult for learning.
6. Territory of Russia covers eleven time zones.
7. It includes various climate and relief types.
The girl who wrote this text thinks that she is lazy and she doesn't do anything special at all. But I think that she is wrong! She is not lazy at all. Person, who reads a lot can not be lazy. Especially the one who reads in English (not in native langauge). While reading stories in English, she is learning new words. This means that her brain is working all the time. If the body is relaxed most of the time this doesn't mean that the person is lazy. If the brain works hard, this means that the person is hardworking. So, when someones reads a lot, than this person is diligent, attentive and thoughtful, but not lazy.
ну вот как-то так. надеюсь