1 This TV programme is shown by millions of people every week.
2 His first book was published three years ago.
3 He will be operated by the doctor on tomorrow morning.
4 New words are being learned by them now.
5 Three foreign languages are taught by them at this school.
6 The fields will be covered by snow in winter.
7 She was not invited to the party.
8 The road is being repaired by the workers.
9 The supermarket was closed at 7 p.m. yesterday.
10 Our dictations have been checked by the teacher.
1 Three foreign languages are taught by them at this school.
2 Her new medicine was prescribed by the doctor.
3 All the books have been put by our father in the bookcase.
4 The novel has been already discussed by them.
5 By the middle of autumn all the trees had been planted by us.
6 This film will be showed by them on TV.
7 The article has not been yet translated.
8 The window was broken by them last week.
9 This old computer is being still used by her.
10 This work shall be finished by us on time.
3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Simple.
1.He turns on the TV-set to watch the news of the automotive market every evening.
2.I was very busy last week.
3.They were out of the office yesterday.
4.He often went on business trips two years ago.
5.I shall not go there next year.
6.The truck with our goods will arrive tomorrow.
4. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в Present, Past or Future Continuous.
1. Be quiet, please. I am trying to write a report.
2. Listen to those people. What language are they speaking?
3. We were holding negotiations, when the secretary brought coffee.
4. The company was launching new products during all last month.
5. Don’t come to my place from 2 till 6 tomorrow. I shall be writing a report.
6. During this new course you will be learning about market research strategies.
5. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в Present, Past or Future Perfect.
1.Since then I have changed my job several times.
2.He has not repaired that engine yet.
3.I thought that they have told us already everything.
4.I knew that once he had been a well-known specialist in his field.
5.We shall have reached the camp by 10 o’clock, I believe.
6.I hope we shall have done the market research by January.
6. Заполните пропуски словами much/many, few/little.
1.When we walked little farther down the road, we met another group of students.
2.At the conference we met many people whom we know well.
3.There are very few old houses left in our street. Most of them have already been pulled down.
4.If you have little spare time, look through this contract.
5.There are many things here which I cannot understand.
6.He wrote so many letters that he’s never going to write a letter again.
окружающую среду, и порой до такой степени, что какие-то части окружающей среды не восстановятся никогда. Постепенно уничтожается озоновый слой (the ozon layer), который защищает нас от радиации (radiation). На нашей планете происходит глобальное потепление (the global warming), вызванное большой концентрацией углекислого газа (carbon dioxide) в атмосфере. Дожди бывают кислотными (acid rains), то есть содержащими опасные химические вещества (chemicals). Среди основных вредителей окружающей среды можно назвать: выбросы дымовых газов (smoke emission), загрязняющих воздух, и промышленных отходов (dumping waste), загрязняющих воду; выхлопные газы транспорта (exhaust fumes), аэрозольные (aerosol cans), вещества которых разрушают озоновый слой; вырубка тропических лесов (cutting down tropical forests), сокращающая производство кислорода (oxygen) в атмосфере (atmosphere); перенаселение (overpopulation).