The photo shows three older women who are sitting on a bench in a park. I 1 can’t be sure, but I’d say that they are all friends. They are dressed in light coats and are wearing headscarves and there are lots of leaves around the bench so I’m pretty 2 sure that it’s a cool, autumn day. It 3 looks as if two of the women have moved closer together to look at something that is in the middle woman’s hand. It’s 4 hard to say, but I think it’s a mobile phone. It’s 5 clear that the two women find something really funny because they are both laughing. Not 6 only that, one of the women is using a tissue to wipe a tear from her eye. It 7 could be that they’ve just seen a funny photograph or read an amusing message. The third woman is sitting further along at the end of the bench and can’t see what they’re looking at. Judging by her 8 expression, I’d 9 say that she feels quite annoyed. 10 I’m certain that the other women have completely forgotten about their friend and wouldn’t even realise if she got up and left them.
Great Britain is a country in the north-west of Europe, located on the island of the same name and also occupies the northern part of the island of Ireland and many smaller archipelagos. The official name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Great Britain is one of the leading countries in the world, which is a parliamentary monarchy. The country has a land border with Ireland and maritime borders with France, the Netherlands, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Portugal (Gibraltar), Spain (Gibraltar), Iceland, Belgium and the Faroe Islands
Diana is the best pupil in her class . And who is the worst?
We wanted to have all the tastiest thing for our holiday dinner.
Суть задания - в образовании превосходной формы прилагательного (лучший, худший, самый счастливый, самый вкусный). Обычно они образуются с добавлением суффикса -est (soft - softest). Иногда удваивается согласная (sad - saddest). Если в конце стоит -y, она меняется на -i (happy - happiest). Некоторые случаи - совсем исключения, они образуются по своему (good - best; bad - worst). Не забываем, что с прилагательными превосходной степени нужно ставить определенный артикль the.