Написать ввопросы для предложений we can describe pictures and make up dialogues. we start the lesson with songs or games. i like to work with my partner. we like group work and pair work.
A. What can we do? We can describe pictures and make up dialogues. B. How do we start the lesson? We start the lesson with songs or games. C. Do you like to work on your own? I like to work with my partner. D. How do you like to work? We like group work and pair work.
1. There are many interesting articles in this magazine. 2. There are a lot of museums and theatres in our city. 3. Is there a telephone in this room? 4. There are two windows in this room. 5. There was no tea in the cup. 6. How many articles were there in this magazine? - There were several articles there. 7. How many students are there in the classroom? - There are twenty. 8. There will be a park close to our house. 9. Was there a school on this street? 10. There are several books on the table. 11. There is a school near our house. The school is situated close to our house. 12. There are a number of theatres in the city. Theatres are situated in the city centre. 13. There were flowers in the vase. The flowers were in the vase. 14. There are a lot of children in the theatre. The children are in the theatre now. 15. There are a number of ways to solve this problem. The ways of this problem solving are on page 5.
Башня была построена под руководством Пьетро-Антонио Solario в 1491 году, был прямоугольной формы и примерно половину ее нынешней высоты. В 16 веке она была снабжена часами и в 1625 русский зодчий Бажен огурцов построил восьмигранной многоярусной башни, которая сейчас преодолевает прямоугольной башни. Новые часы был построен на турель оснащена вращающимся лицо и карильон англичанин, Кристофер Холлоуэй. Колокола карильона отлил Кирилл Самойлов. В reigh Петра I часы были заменены. Часы мы видим сейчас, был установлен в 1851-52. Длина минутной стрелки на часах 3.28 метров. Башня 67.3 метра.
B. How do we start the lesson? We start the lesson with songs or games.
C. Do you like to work on your own? I like to work with my partner.
D. How do you like to work? We like group work and pair work.