1)When we came to the station the train had already arrived, and the passengers were hurrying to occupy their seats in the cars. Когда мы пришли на станцию, поезд уже прибыл, и пассажиры поспешили занять свои места в вагонах. came - Past Simple Active had arrived - Past Perfect Active were hurrying - Past Continuous Active to occupy - Infinitive
2) Boeing’s new airplane is faster and more luxurious than any other vehicles, which have ever been produced. Новый самолет Боинг быстрее и роскошнее, чем любые другие транспортные средства, которые когда-либо были произведены. is - Present Simple Active have been produced - Present Perfect Passive
1. Automobiles were rushing in both directions and it was impossible to cross the street. Автомобили ехали в обе стороны,поэтому было невозможно перейти дорогу. Were rushing -Past Continuous Active Voice;was -Past Simple Active Voice. 2. The construction of this high-speed line is being actively supported by the government. Строительство этой скоростной магистрали активно поддерживается правительством. Is being supported -Present Continuous Passive 3. Until recently, the price difference between the first and second-class tickets on the Spanish Railways had been amounted to 81%. До недавнего времени,ценовая разница билетов первого и второго класса испанских железных дорог достигла 81%. Had been amounted -Past Perfect Passive
Когда ты в Соединенном Королевстве и четвёртое июля завтра.