The house No. 19 was very old. People said that there lived ghosts but nobody had ever seen them. However, it wasn’t called a «haunted» house; year after year it remained:»To Be Let or Sold.” The house agent Mr. Raddish was glad to see that Mrs. Lancaster was interested in this house. But her question: «How long was it empty?» made him a little worried: «Er—er—some time,» he answered. «I thought so,» said Mrs. Lancaster. There was something unpleasant in the air, it felt cold in the hall. Mrs Lancaster went over the house and asked questions from time to time. After that she asked: «What is the matter with the house?» It seemed that Mr. Raddish didn’t know what to say. «Of course, a house without furniture is always a little gloomy,» he answered. «Nonsense,» said Mrs. Lancaster. «The rent is very low for such a house. I want to know why. I suppose the house is haunted?» Mr. Raddish said nothing. After some time Mrs. Lancaster spoke again: «Of course, that is all nonsense. I don’t believe in ghosts or anything of that sort, and I don’t see the reason why I shouldn’t buy this house; but servants… They are easily frightened. Tell me exactly what—what thing haunts this place.» «I—er—really don’t know,» said the house agent. «You must,» said the lady quietly. «I cannot take the house without knowing. What was it? A murder?»«Oh, no», cried Mr. Raddish. «It’s—it’s— only a child.» «A child?» «Yes.» «I don’t know the story exactly,» he continued. «Of course, there are different versions of it, but I know that about thirty years ago a man, whose name was Williams, took No. 19. Nobody knew anything about him; he kept no servants; he had no friends; he seldom went out in the daytime. He had one child, a little boy. After he had been here about two months, he went to London and never came back. People said that he was wanted by the police. The child lived on here, alone in the house. He had food for a little time, and he waited day after day for his father’s return. Unfortunately, his father had told him not to go out of the house or to speak to anyone. He was a weak, little creature and did not want to disobey this command. In the night the neighbors often heard him sobbing.» Mr. Raddish paused. «And—er—the child starved to death,» he said. «And it is the child’s ghost that haunts the place?» asked Mrs. Lancaster. «There’s nothing seen only people say, ridiculous, of course, but they say they hear — the child — crying, you know.» Mrs. Lancaster moved towards the front door. «I like the house very much,» she said. «I think I will get nothing as good for the price. I will let you know.»
Я дуже люблю зимові канікули. Хоч вони й значно коротші за літні, зате завжди проходять весело та яскраво. Все тому, що на зимові канікули припадають мої улюблені свята – Новий рік та Різдво. Усі два тижні відпочинку від занять панує святкова атмосфера.
Зазвичай я проводжу зимові канікули вдома, тому що на свята до нас приїжджають бабуся та дідусь або інші родичі. Ми всі разом готуємося до святкування – прикрашаємо дім та готуємо смачні страви. А потім усією родиною зустрічаємо Новий рік, зазвичай не спимо всю ніч.
Та цього року я сподіваюся, що мені вдасться побувати у Карпатах. Це моя давня мрія – провести зимові канікули на гірськолижному курорті, покататися на лижах, побачити на власні очі красу гір узимку.
Зимові канікули дають змогу перепочити від навчання, поспілкуватися з близьким та присвятити час улюбленим заняттям. Взимку, коли надворі морозно, я люблю посидіти з книгою біля вікна та послухати музику. А коли випадає сніг, то я йду гуляти на вулицю. Усе навколо біле, здається, що ти потрапив у якийсь інший вимір. Так гарно навкруги! Можна покататися на ковзанках чи злетіти на санках з гірки, або навіть пограти в сніжки та зробити снігову бабу. Це завжди весело для усіх – і дітей, і дорослих.
Зимові канікули – чудова пора. Шкода, що вони швидко закінчуються, і ми знову маємо повертатися до школи. Але яскраві враження від добре проведеного часу допомагають у нелегкій справі навчання.
2.She said China was a densely populated country 3.Ann said it's time they had moved to a new house 4.He said water freezed below 0°C 5.She said she had been reading the children a story last night when the lights had gone out 6.She said to me TI helped you to repair your car tomorrow 7.He said he hadn't understood the meaning of the film 8.She said to him he could come to her if he had any problems 9.He said to her he had seen the film she had recommended last night 10.He said he was going to Spain next week 11.He said she didn't understand 12.He said he would invite more people if he had had a bigger flat(не уверена) 13.He said to us he wouldn't repeat this again 14.He said he had applied for several jobs this week
The house agent Mr. Raddish was glad to see that Mrs. Lancaster was interested in this house. But her question: «How long was it empty?» made him a little worried: «Er—er—some time,» he answered.
«I thought so,» said Mrs. Lancaster.
There was something unpleasant in the air, it felt cold in the hall. Mrs Lancaster went over the house and asked questions from time to time. After that she asked: «What is the matter with the house?»
It seemed that Mr. Raddish didn’t know what to say. «Of course, a house without furniture is always a little gloomy,» he answered.
«Nonsense,» said Mrs. Lancaster. «The rent is very low for such a house. I want to know why. I suppose the house is haunted?»
Mr. Raddish said nothing.
After some time Mrs. Lancaster spoke again: «Of course, that is all nonsense. I don’t believe in ghosts or anything of that sort, and I don’t see the reason why I shouldn’t buy this house; but servants… They are easily frightened. Tell me exactly what—what thing haunts this place.»
«I—er—really don’t know,» said the house agent.
«You must,» said the lady quietly. «I cannot take the house without knowing. What was it? A murder?»«Oh, no», cried Mr. Raddish. «It’s—it’s— only a child.»
«A child?»
«I don’t know the story exactly,» he continued. «Of course, there are different versions of it, but I know that about thirty years ago a man, whose name was Williams, took No. 19. Nobody knew anything about him; he kept no servants; he had no friends; he seldom went out in the daytime. He had one child, a little boy. After he had been here about two months, he went to London and never came back. People said that he was wanted by the police. The child lived on here, alone in the house. He had food for a little time, and he waited day after day for his father’s return. Unfortunately, his father had told him not to go out of the house or to speak to anyone. He was a weak, little creature and did not want to disobey this command. In the night the neighbors often heard him sobbing.»
Mr. Raddish paused.
«And—er—the child starved to death,» he said.
«And it is the child’s ghost that haunts the place?» asked Mrs. Lancaster.
«There’s nothing seen only people say, ridiculous, of course, but they say they hear — the child — crying, you know.»
Mrs. Lancaster moved towards the front door.
«I like the house very much,» she said. «I think I will get nothing as good for the price. I will let you know.»