drives, have,do you watch,don't work,love,has,com,does he draw ,doesn't remember,is.
Olivia can't play the guitar. The girls can play hockey. Can Richard play the trumpet? She can write with her left hand. He can't write good stories.Can Alex write exciting articles? Can Henry cook spaghetti? They can't cook well.Carol can cook cupcakes.
The dog's ball,that man's skateboard,the children's song,my grandmother's umbrella,my friend's room,my son's questions,my brother's wife,our teacher's table,Pushkin’s poems, this girl’s voice.
2. A bicycle is a …means of transport.
3. The bicycle and the car are means… of transport
4. ...She is writing a series… of articles on the ecological state of the region.
5. There are a lot of American TV series… shown on Armenian TV
6. When we were walking on the island we saw many species… of bird.