1 They watch TV in the evening.
When do they watch TV?
Who watches TV in the evening?
Do they watch TV in the evening?
(Это общий вопрос.у вас просто написано два раза специальный,вот я и подумала, вдруг надо)
Do they watch TV in the evening or in the morning?
They watch TV in the evening, don't they?
2 The boys are singing a nice song.
What are the boys singing?
Who is singing a nice song.?
Are the boys singing a nice song?
Are the boys or the girls singing a nice song?
The boys are singing a nice song, aren't they?
3 My mother has bought a tasty cake.
What has my mother bought?
Who has bought a tasty cake?
Has my mother bought a tasty cake?
Has my mother bought a tasty cake or an ice-cream?
My mother has bought a tasty cake, hasn't she?
2 Scientists’ prediction is that climate change will get worse in ten years.
3 Hurricane Katrina caused devastation in New Orleans in 2005.
4 We must give some animals protection so they can survive.
5 The fire caused the destruction of an old theatre.
1 There will be famine in Africa next year if there is no rain soon.
2 Many people in big cities are still living in poverty.
3 A lot of crime these days is a result of racism.
4 Homelessness is a big problem and the government should provide special places for street people to live.
5 People become involved in terrorism for different reasons.