P. Translate into English: 1.- Where do you spend your free time? -We often go out of town. 2. -When does the meeting begin? I come home late an hour because I have a lot of work to do. 4. -Where's Victor? -He's still having lunch.-He usually has lunch at 5. 5. I'm se- isn't it? -Yes.-Why doesn't he have lunch at home? - He lives far from work. 5.-Do you speak German? -No, I speak Spanish.-Who else knows Spanish? I have that Maria. 6. -Does your daughter enjoy sports? -Yes, she loves tennis. 7. I rarely see my sister because she lives out of town. 8. -What are you doing now? -I'm translating an article. 9. My son doesn't like hockey. He prefers fugue pain. 10.- Where are you going? are you hiding in the library? -Once or twice a week. To the library.-You often work-
1. - Where do you spend your free time? - We often
go out of town. 2. - When does the meeting start? - At 5. 3. I
'm coming home late this hour, because I have a lot of work.
4. - Where is Viktor? -"He's still having lunch. "He usually eats at
a restaurant, doesn't he?" -- yes. - Why doesn't he eat at home? -
He lives far from work. 5. - Do you speak German?
No, I speak Spanish. - Who else knows Spanish? - Du
Mayu, that Maria, 6. - Is your daughter fond of sports? - Yes, she
loves tennis. 7. I rarely see my sister, since she
lives outside the city. 8. - What are you doing now? - I
'm re-writing an article. 9. My son does not like hockey. He prefers foot
ball. 10. - Where are you going? - To the library. - Do you often work
in the library? - Once or twice a week.