Поставить вопрос в вопросительную форму; they will abandon the vessel. the tide has risen. visibility is decreasing. we lost two lifeboats yesterday. the result of search is negative
1) My father doesn't work on Sunday. Мой отец не работает в воскресенье.
2) Who painted the world-known picture "Mona Lisa"? Кто написал всемирно известную картину «Мона Лиза»?
3) Steven's friends came to his birthday party last night and gave him wonderful presents. Друзья Стивена пришли на его день рождения вечером и подарили ему замечательные подарки.
4) When will you leave home for school tomorrow? Когда ты выйдешь из дома в школу завтра?
5) Yesterday my father didn't read newspapers because he was very busy. Вчера мой отец не читал газет, потому что был очень занят.
6) We like to cook but we don't like to wash the dishes. Мы любим готовить, но не любим мыть посуду.
7) He will turn on the TV to watch cartoons tomorrow morning. Завтра утром он включит телевизор, чтобы посмотреть мультфильмы.
8) How did she help mother yesterday? Как она матери вчера?
9) I don't eat ice cream every day. Я не ем мороженое каждый день.
10) What does your brother do every day? Что твой брат каждый день делает?
Diana is the former wife of heir to the British throne, Prince Charles, mother of princes William and Harry.She drew the attention of the Royal family, and began her friendship with Prince Charles, immediately aroused the interest of the press.Their wedding on 29 July 1981 at St. Paul was extremely widely advertised.The tragic, the absurd death in a car crash of Princess Diana sparked an unprecedented response in many countries, especially in the UK.The death of Diana, Princess of Wales shocked England - the area in front of Buckingham Palace was swamped with flowers, on the pavement burned hundreds of candles. Перевод нужен? или сам(а)
Has the tide risen?
Is visibility decreasing?
Did we lose two lifeboats yesterday?
Is the result of the search negative?