I love all seasons. I like summer, because we have a long holidays and I can swim in rive. Also, summer weather is hot and sunny. I love autumn, because I go to school and meet with my friends.I like winter, because weather is cold and I can do snowman. I love spring, because weather is warm.
1 dave refused me watching TV 2 Patrick asked his girfriend if she could help him choose new furniture 3Sandy promesed her best friend that she would never lie to her 4Rhett offered mother brought the shawl 5Sidney told her daughter to clean up her room! 6Glenn warned his little brother not to tease the dog, it would bite him 7Ethel suggested going to the movies on Sunday 8The doctor advisd his patient not to eat fast food 9The colonel ordered his soldiers not to retreat 10 Little Joe begged his elder sister not to break her toys
A, E, I, O,U - гласные буквы. B, C ,D, F, G, H, J , K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T,V, W,X Y, Z - согласные буквы. По твоим словам : - pig ( р - согласная, i - гласная, g - согласная.) - is ( i -гласная, s - согласная.) - big (b - согласная, i - гласная , g - согласная.) - his ( h -согласная, i - гласная, s - согласная.) - sing (s -согласная, i -гласная, n - согласная , g - согласная.) - skin (s - согласная , k - согласная , i - гласная , n- согласная.) - swim( s- согласная, w - согласная, i - гласная , m- согласная.) -tim ( t - согласная, i- гласная, m - согласная.)