1 I study at school №43, Nizhny Novgorod. Our school is large, it has a lot of spacious classrooms, a large gymnasium beautiful Assembly hall, large comfortable dining room. I am in the fifth grade. We have many interesting subjects, which are taught by experienced teachers. They spend interesting and informative lessons. In the gym a lot of different sports equipment. In physical education classes we develop physically.
The Director and teachers try to make our school life interesting. We have a very good school, and I am glad that I am studying in it.
2 I study in the secondary school №43. I like to study in this school. There's a lot of good and отзывчатых teachers. My first teacher was Leah Konstantinovna, she is a very good man in a kind heart, who is ready in case of any difficulties to help. Now my homeroom teacher is Ivanova Irina Leonidovna, a teacher of Russian language and literature, she tries to give us as much knowledge as possible.
In our school there is a choral Department, its conductor is Demina Nelly Pavlovna. Choral Department often arranges concerts for teachers, for parents and for veterans. On they play different musical instruments and sing. We have in our school sports basketball, volleyball and many others.
In our class, I have very good friends, this is Sonya Prikhodko, Katya Kiseleva and Nastya Troshkin, they are very good girls. Besides them, the class still a lot of fun and clever young people, for example, Anya Краилина, Nastya Tursunov and Marjan Baranova. I love my class!
3 In our school there is a wonderful gymnasium, 5 "a". The guys in this class are very kind, sympathetic, lovely and each of them strives to be a success.
In this class, very good teachers: teacher of Russian language, literature and our teacher Irina Leonidovna, she is very kind and smart.
Alla Vladimirovna teacher of mathematics. She is very cheerful and kind. 5 "and" teach the teacher: Igor V., Olga Ivanova, Nadezhda Nikolaevna, Olga Ivanovna etc. Только сначала переведи потому что это письмо моей сестры. она писала про свою школу!
1) try - make an attempt or effort to do something пытаться, делать попытку; стараться
test - take measures to check the quality, performance, or reliability of (something), especially before putting it into widespread use or practice подвергать испытанию, проверке 2) old - having lived for a long time; no longer young старый
ancient - belonging to the very distant past and no longer in existence древний 3) steal - take (another person's property) without permission or legal right and without intending to return it воровать, красть
rob - take property unlawfully from (a person or place) by force or threat of force грабить 4) think - have a particular belief or idea думать, мыслить
believe - accept that (something) is true, especially without proof верить 5) clean - free from dirt, marks, or stains чистый опрятный
clear - easy to perceive, understand, or interpret светлый, ясный, понятный 6) desert - a waterless, desolate area of land with little or no vegetation, typically one covered with sand пустыня; пустынный район
dessert - the sweet course eaten at the end of a meal десерт, сладкое (блюдо) 7) feel - be capable of sensation; be aware of (a person or object) through touching or being touched чувствовать, ощущать; быть ощущать (что-л.); ощупывать, осязать, трогать, прикасаться
fill - put someone or something into (a space or container) so that it is completely or almost completely full наполнять
1.Матч состоится в следующей неделе.
2.Эта работа займёт мало времени
3.Мои родственники вернутся в 3.
4.Майк сделает упражнение потом.
5.Мои друзья идут туда.
6.Они построят новый отель здесь.
7.Поезд ходит утром.
8.Сэнди идёт туда.
9.Вы будете диссоциированные в следующем году.
Я в 9 не уверен что правильно.