For centuries, the wolf was considered one of the most vicious animals. In different historical times, they bowed before him, as it was believed that the Roman she-wolf suckled the twins Romulus and Rem. However, most of the wolf hated and feared, as it was the Beast Gevodanom. In the mid-18th century, the wolf killed the south of France, it was reported, 123 people. These monstrous crimes against the people and the animals were so desperate that King Louis 15 mobilized an army to destroy it. It took 43`000 people 2`000 dogs and 2 months to finally kill the wolf. European history is replete with numerous instances of attacks of wolves on livestock and people. Now it is well known that in most cases people are attacked by rabid wolves. But rabid wolves may attack only once per person, because sick animals usually die quickly from viruses. There are cases when the Indian Wolf carried off and devoured children in India. But there is no mention of the attack of predators on adults. Wolves have appeared in the New World in the middle Pliocene, about 5`000`000 years ago and were formed as a kind of in the middle Pleistocene, about 1`500`000 years ago. One subspecies, the so-called Giant (Dire) wolf, was the biggest ever existed. A smaller version of this wolf moved from Alaska to Siberia, where he has evolved into the current, and today a large gray wolf known as Canis lupus. Then, gray, or common wolf has migrated back to North America, where spread in what is now Canada and the United States of America, except for the south-eastern United States. In these areas, there was a small red wolf (Canis rufus), who was settled there. The US government is trying to increase the population of the red wolf on these lands. Grey Wolf is well taken root in North America by the time when the first Indians and Eskimos came back across the Bering Strait about 18 centuries ago. Watching Wolf The wolf is the largest member of the family dog. No one is not known when the ancestors of our domestic dogs were divided into two groups: family dog (C.familiaris) and gray wolf (C.lupus). It is believed that it happened about 4`000`000 years ago. Probably, primitive man was accompanied by a kind of similar to the wolf the animal that devoured the remnants of his prey. Over time, this establishment to sacrifice their freedom for the sake of food that was good for not only him, then turned into a dog. The dog has learned to help a man on the prowl, they guarded the herds of domesticated animals, sometimes to protect people from wild animals, thus becomes a necessary and useful. The wolf and the dog are very close to each other, which should, at least from the fact that they often interbreed and produce offspring.
My name is Karina. I am 10 years old. I study in the 5th class. I have no brothers and sisters, but to one it isn't boring for me. I have a favourite hobby. I very much like to draw. I like to watch interesting film. I with my friends often we gather on the street to play. Меня зовут карина. мне 10 лет. Учусь в 5 классе. у меня нет родных братьев и сестер, но мне одному не скучно. У меня есть любимое хобби. Я очень люблю рисовать. Мне нравиться смотреть интересное кино . Я с моими друзьями часто собираемся на улице чтобы поиграть.
Я уверен, что поддерживать благотворительность просто необходимо. Я каждый раз думаю о пожертвовании денег для милосердия, когда я вижу копилку для пожертвований. Обычно я не даю много денег, ведь моя семья не столь богата. Я знаю, что мои друзья в основном тоже не могут много пожертвовать. Но я никогда не говорю:"Нет", когда наша школа нуждается в добровольцах для уборки школьной территории или когда нужно принять какое-то участие в благотворительных мероприятиях. Я верю, что даже такой маленький вклад хоть чем-то сможет
European history is replete with numerous instances of attacks of wolves on livestock and people. Now it is well known that in most cases people are attacked by rabid wolves. But rabid wolves may attack only once per person, because sick animals usually die quickly from viruses. There are cases when the Indian Wolf carried off and devoured children in India. But there is no mention of the attack of predators on adults.
Wolves have appeared in the New World in the middle Pliocene, about 5`000`000 years ago and were formed as a kind of in the middle Pleistocene, about 1`500`000 years ago. One subspecies, the so-called Giant (Dire) wolf, was the biggest ever existed. A smaller version of this wolf moved from Alaska to Siberia, where he has evolved into the current, and today a large gray wolf known as Canis lupus. Then, gray, or common wolf has migrated back to North America, where spread in what is now Canada and the United States of America, except for the south-eastern United States. In these areas, there was a small red wolf (Canis rufus), who was settled there. The US government is trying to increase the population of the red wolf on these lands. Grey Wolf is well taken root in North America by the time when the first Indians and Eskimos came back across the Bering Strait about 18 centuries ago.
Watching Wolf
The wolf is the largest member of the family dog. No one is not known when the ancestors of our domestic dogs were divided into two groups: family dog (C.familiaris) and gray wolf (C.lupus). It is believed that it happened about 4`000`000 years ago. Probably, primitive man was accompanied by a kind of similar to the wolf the animal that devoured the remnants of his prey. Over time, this establishment to sacrifice their freedom for the sake of food that was good for not only him, then turned into a dog. The dog has learned to help a man on the prowl, they guarded the herds of domesticated animals, sometimes to protect people from wild animals, thus becomes a necessary and useful.
The wolf and the dog are very close to each other, which should, at least from the fact that they often interbreed and produce offspring.