-Hello, wellcome to our cafe. -Hello, can you give me a menu? -Okey. -Sank you. 10 minutes later -Are you ready to do order? -Yes, of corse. Can you give me a meat with salad, this pizza called "4 chese", hamburger and salt. -Would you like some drink? -Yes, a cup of cofe, and juse -Your order will be ready for 20 minutes.
Positive: 1) Freedom of press eloquently demonstrates a concept of free speech which is one of the most important aspects of democracy. 2) The truth in independnent newspapers usually prevails over lies, which is definately a good thing. 3) An objectivity is very important since it gives people an opportunity to analyze adequatly what relly is going on and say if there is something wrong. Helps to refine a situation. Nagative: 1) Some newspapers may abuse their freedom and write some unfair defamation, which lack objectivity and adequate evaluation. 2) This may lead to anarchy if there is too much freedom. 3) Transperancy of information has not only positive sides as one may think. There are many cases when it's better to hide some information, so that the vast majority of people can live safely. Controvercial: The situation with Wikileaks.
3) There are some professions, such as lawyer, where you won't last long unless you have specific knowledge, which you may get only studying in the university. 4) There exist huge competition for some very prestigious jobs. Employers will, first of all, look at those who studied in the university. 5) By studying in the university you can proceed deaper the subject you're aiming for. And if you are going to set up a business or create some unique product, you will have clearer idea of what you have to do.
-Hello, can you give me a menu?
-Sank you.
10 minutes later
-Are you ready to do order?
-Yes, of corse. Can you give me a meat with salad, this pizza called "4 chese", hamburger and salt.
-Would you like some drink?
-Yes, a cup of cofe, and juse
-Your order will be ready for 20 minutes.