Dear Dean ,
How are you? My holidays are passing great. As I planned, I went to England for the holidays. I'm staying with Mr Brown's family. They have very beatiful house in Strartford-upon-Avon. It is not far from London. In this city wa born famous writer William Shekaspeare. This town is not very big however there are many places of interests like Shekspeare's house where he was born.I've already been there.
Anyway, I would like to say more about the family I'm staying with. George Brown is a very nice gentleman. He works in the bank, I suppose. But I don't really know. His wife, Mrs Brown is a housewife. Her pancakes are amazing. Every day, she cooks different meals for her family. They have son called Jim. He is 15. He is very friendly. Jim also has holidays so we are spending free time together. We both like soccer and also he taught me some rules of rugby. It is a very catching game. When I will come back, I will teach you. Hopefully, you gonna like it.
That's it. I'm sorry but I don't have a lot of time. We are planning several excursions to London. I will tell you about it later. What are you doing at home? How is our family?(Say "hello" to mum,ok?) Did Dad repair our TV?
See you soon,
1. The question arose why even therapeutic abortion had been banned. - Возникает во о том, почему запрещено прерывание беременности по медицинским показаниям.
2. So we could use that to beat them.. - Значит, мы могли бы использовать это, чтобы победить их.
3. Eventually that new architecture became Alpha. - Со временем новая архитектура превратилась в то, что сейчас называется Alpha.
4. Let me conclude where I began. - Позвольте мне в заключение сказать о том, с чего я начал.
5. He has a natural bent for music. - У него природная склонность к музыке.
6. You're not the least bit romantic. - В тебе нет ни грамма романтики и в этом-то вся проблема.
7. You had your chance and blew it. - У тебя был шанс, и ты его упустил.
8. At first, they grew tangerines and bred swine. - Сначала они выращивали мандарины и разводили свиней.
9. You say that like I broke them. - Вы говорите так, будто я сама их сломала.
10. This castle was built in 1610. - Этот замок был построен в тысяча шестьсот десятом году.
11. I'm afraid further questions have arisen. - Боюсь, у меня возникли к ней и другие во Такие люди отличаются от тех, кто здоров от рождения.
13. Roy was beaten several hours before he was shot. - Рой был избит за несколько часов до того, как его застрелили.
14. He has become another man since getting married. - С тех пор как он женился, он стал другим человеком.
15. I believe it was emptied long before our efforts begun. - Сдаётся мне, что они ушли задолго до того, как мы начали что-то затевать.
16. Screamed until his vocal chords bled. - Кричал, пока его голосовые связки не начали кровоточить.
17. His best friend was blown apart. - Его лучшего друга разорвало на куски.
18. I know what you two little broken teacups need. - Я знаю, что вам нужно, парочка маленьких разбитых чайных чашечек.
19. My wife is well bred and intelligent. - Моя жена из очень хорошей семьи, хорошо воспитана, умна.
20. From when this wing was built. - С тех пор как это крыло было построено.
2.there are