Many people wear different clothes during different weather conditions. All people are different and have their own taste in clothing. I want to tell you exactly about the style of clothing in different seasons in my family. My mom usually dresses warm for almost all seasons. In the summer and spring, she wears a sweatshirt and pants. In winter and autumn she wears her favorite boots and coat or winter jacket. My dad is less favorable to cold conditions, and he can get sick 3-4 times in winter, so he wears more warm things in the winter and shorts and a soccer ball in the summer. I wear regular clothes, I have no season with health. But in the summer, I like to wear shorts and football caps and sometimes wear a blouse. I spend the fall in warm sweaters and pants. In winter, almost nothing changes, but I wear a winter coat like my grandmother.
Summer is my favorite time of the year. Finally, the cold ends and the vacation begins. In summer, you can enjoy the sun and warm days, go on long journeys and hikes. Nature is especially beautiful in summer - berries ripen, flowers bloom. You can endlessly walk through flowering meadows and admire the modest white-headed daisies or weave wreaths of dandelions. It's nice to go into the dusk of the forest and hide from the heat of the day. And only in the summer rivers and lakes come to life. The water in them becomes warm and if you sit quietly on the shore, you can watch dragonflies fly overhead and brisk fry scurry in the water, and then swim with friends for a long time.
Лето – мое самое любимое время года. Наконец-то заканчиваются холода и начинаются каникулы. Летом можно радоваться солнцу и теплым денькам, отправляться в далекие путешествия и походы. Особенно прекрасна летом природа – поспевают ягоды, расцветают цветы. Можно бесконечно гулять по цветущим лугам и любоваться на скромные белоголовые ромашки или плести венки из одуванчиков. Приятно зайти в сумрак леса и скрыться от дневного зноя.
И только летом оживают реки и озера. Вода в них становится теплой и если тихо сидеть на берегу, можно наблюдать, как над самой головой летают стрекозы, а в воде снуют юркие мальки. На берегу озера тихо и спокойно – так хорошо смотреть на воду и любоваться солнечными бликами на ней. А потом вместе с друзьями долго плавать.