a. John and Carol haven't watched the cartoons yet.
b. they have finished their test.
c. have they done their english homework ?
d. how long has your mom worked in Microsoft?
e. i have sewn soft toys, but i havent done the shopping for elderly people yet.
f. my father has just washed the car.
2. put the verbs in the correct tense.
1. they went to the sport club 5 days ago
2. we have already written the test.
3. My sister has done her homework today.
4. i played, danced, sang on the party yesterday
5. My pet has just ate meat.
1. Mike has drunk a glass of milk
2. they have come already
3. the plane hass arrived.
4. mary has cleaned her teeth
5. i have washed my socks
1. i played computer games yesterday
2. i was playing computer games at five o'clock yesterday
3. he was playing computer games from two to three yesterday
4. we were playing computer games the whole evening yesterday
5. what was nick doing when you came to his place?
6. what were you doing when i rang you up?
7. i wasnt sleeping at nine o'clock yesterday
1. i went to the cinema yesterday.
2. i was going to the cinema at four oclock yesterday
3. i was going to the cinema when you met me
4. i was doing my homework the whole evening yesterday
5. i was doing my homework when mother came home
6. i did my homework yesterday
7. i was doing my homework from five till eight yesterday
Самым основным временем в английском языке мы называет Present Simple Tense (Present Indefinite) – Настоящее простое время. Let's talk about it.
Пройдите тему в онлайн тренажере:
Present simple vs present continuous разница и отличия
Простое настоящее время в английском языке
Мы используем Present Simple, чтобы описать действие, которое повторяется. Действие может быть привычкой, хобби, ежедневным событием, запланированным событием или чем–то, что случается часто. Например:
She always forgets her wallet. – Она всегда забывает свой кошелек.
Susan often meets with her friends after school. – Сьюзан часто встречается со своими друзьями после школы.
They usually play football on Sundays. – Они обычно играют в футбол по воскресеньям.
Mark rarely visits his retarted brother. – Марк редко навещает своего умственно отсталого брата.
Таблица образования Present Simple
Affirmative I / You / We / They
He/ She / It work every day.
works every day.
Negative I / You / We / They
He/ She / It do not (don’t)
does not (doesn’t) work every day.
work every day.
Questions Do
Does I / you / we / they
he / she / it work every day?
work every day?
Short answers Yes, I / you / we / they do. No, I / you / we / they don’t.
Yes, he/ she / it does. No, he/ she / it doesn’t.
Mary (she) likes coke. – Мэри (она) нравится Кола.
Colin (he) plays the piano. – Колин (он) играет на пианино.
Present Simple — особенности употребления, изображение 1
В отрицательных предложениях между подлежащим и сказуемым мы используем вс глагол do/does и отрицательную частицу not.
I do not (don’t) like my stepmother. – Я не люблю свою мачеху.
Colin (he) does not (doesn’t) want to go to the party. – Колин не хочет идти на вечеринку.
И наконец, вопросы. Их мы начинаем со вс глагола do или does (как всегда для he / hes / it) затем ставим подлежащие и смысловой глагол в первой (основной) форме.
Do you like ice–cream? – Тебе нравится мороженное?
Does she work on Saturday? – Она работает в субботу?
Теперь, когда мы знаем, как формировать Present Simple, давайте выясним, в каких случаях оно используется.
Употребление Present Simple Tense
Общеизвестные факты:
People need food. – Людям нужна еда.
It snows in winter. – Зимой идет снег.
Two and two make four. – Дважды два — четыре.
Действие в настоящем в широком смысле слова (не обязательно в момент речи):
Where do you live? – Где вы живете?
She works in a bank. – Она работает в банке.
I don't like mushrooms. – Мне не нравятся грибы
3they speak both English and French
4Nick is fond of(is keen on)basketball