Dear Kate,
Thank you for your recent letter. It was great to hear from you again.
You know, practically every family in Russia has got a pet and the most popular among them are dogs and cats. Also, younger children love to take care of small animals such as hamsters, guinea pigs, tortoises, goldfish and parrots.
Actually, I don’t support the idea of keeping wild animals at home because they might be dangerous. Besides, you can’t tame them so it might do more harm than good.
As for me, I’ve got a sheepdog called Alma. I enjoy teaching her tricks.
Sorry, I have to go now to walk my dog.
Write me soon.
Best wishes,
оформление, надеюсь, знаешь, раз огэ сдаёшь.
Dear Kate,
Thank you for your letter! Nice to hear from you again.
In your previous letter you asked me about pets. Well, I think that keeping pets is popular everywhere. Talking about my country, we don't have any exotic ones here, only cats or dogs. And I think it's fine because I don't approve keeping wild animals at home. They should live in their natural habitat. Anyway, I don't have any pets. I hope one day I will adopt a dog.
My mom just called me for dinner, I have to finish my letter now. Write back soon.
Best wishes,
5two weeks'
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