2)access -- the process of obtaining or retrieving information stored in a computer's memory
password -- a string of characters that allows access to a computer, interface, or system
log in -- go through the procedures to begin use of a computer, database, or system
browser -- a computer program with a graphical user interface for displaying HTML files, used to navigate the World Wide Web
3)You use to indicate that something is not completely the case but is nearly the case. -- almost
The word means ‘to a certain or significant extent or degree’. It’s used mainly with negative ideas. -- rather
The word means ‘to the utmost or most absolute extent or degree; completely’. --
The word means ‘to the required degree or extent’. -- enough
3 . -I saw a dwarf elephant on TV .5. -insects are very tiny creatures.11. -I read the book human evolution .10. - On earth although it is large,it is still a limited supply of food . 8. -enviromental conditions affect human health. //Вот ответы больше не знаю чем смог. //ПЕРЕВОД : 3.-Я видел по телевизору карликовых слонов. 10.- На земле хоть она большая,ограниченный запас еды.8.-Состояние Окружающей среды влияет на здоровье человека 11.-Я читал в книге про эволюцию человека 5. -Насекомые очень маленькие существа