P: So, Ilya, where would you like to live? I: You know, Pasha, that's a complicated question. P:Well, and i think, i would like to live in Russia. I: And i prefer UK, for example. P:Why? I: Just imagine, education in Britain is compulsory and free. P: Oh, that's why. This is pretty good! I:Yes, and by the way, there are also boarding school. P: Hm, actually, i would like to live in that one. I: Yes, of course me too!
School address: Zhelyabov Street Number: 55555 Our school IS comfortable and amicable. THERE ARE 2 FLOORS AT SCHOOL. On the first floor STUDY pupils of younger education. Besides, THERE IS A BIG GUM on the first floor. On THE SECOND floor STUDY pupils of the main education. There is ALSO a big library with new books. Teachers ARE kind and sympathetic. They help pupils in difficult minuteS. Teachers teach (тавтология, сама разбирайся) them (БЕЗ TO!) the main subjects and discipline. At school there is a lot of free EXTRA COURSES (или extra lessons). The school is equipped with new (смеешься, что ли? facilities сюда надо! а предыдущее - мало того, что тавтология, так еще и значение то же, что и у facilities). THERE ARE TWO SHIFTS AT OUR SCHOOL. Come to OUR school, we will be glad TO SEE YOU!
Мне нравится учиться, и у меня есть некоторые любимые предметы в школе. Мой самый любимый предмет - География.Во время наших занятий мы изучаем различные карты.Мы также узнаем что-то новое о мире, окружающей среде и т.д.Наш учитель рассказывает нам о Широте и Долготе.Мне нравится узнавать новое о реках и горах, морях и океанах.Я думаю, что география очень полезна. Если Вы будете знать её, то Вы никогда не заблудитесь.Изучая географию, я узнаю о других странах и получаю представление об их населении и ландшафте.География учит меня узнавать мир, в котором мы живем, растительность, климат, сельское хозяйство и экономику. I like to study and I have some favourite subjects at school. My most favourite subject is Geography. During our classes we study different maps. We also learn something new about the world,the environment etc. Our teacher tells us about Latitude and Longitude. I like to learn new about rivers and mountains, seas and oceans. I think that geography is very useful. If you know it you'll never get lost. By studying Geography I learn about other countries and get the idea of their population and landscape. Geography teaches me about the world we live in, vegetation, climate, agriculture and economy.
I: You know, Pasha, that's a complicated question.
P:Well, and i think, i would like to live in Russia.
I: And i prefer UK, for example.
I: Just imagine, education in Britain is compulsory and free.
P: Oh, that's why. This is pretty good!
I:Yes, and by the way, there are also boarding school.
P: Hm, actually, i would like to live in that one.
I: Yes, of course me too!