Напишите сочинение по : как я провела отдых в сочи и вернулась в краснодар! только чтобы побольше если получится то можно с переводом зарание ! только можно побыстрей мне надо не позже 12: 05 ещёраз
After each term in school we had our holidays. It's fun to have holidays, you can do whatever you like, you don't have to get up too early, do your homework or think of troubles which occur very often at school.
Most of all I liked summer holidays, they were the longest ones, though, when winter was snowy and and frosty, I enjoyed my winter holidays skating and skiing, sledging and making a snowman or having a fight with snowballs.
I'd like to tell you about my summer holidays I spent in Sochi. It was just three years ago. My parents and me were sitting in the living-room discussing our plans for the summer holidays. My father suggested that we should go to Sochi. On hearing that I jumped up with joy and said it was a wonderful idea. My mother wasn't against the idea either. So one summer morning we started for our journey to Sochi.
First, we travelled to Odessa by plane and from there we got to Sochi by boat. We stayed in Odessa for three days, our relatives live there and they gave us board and lodging. So we had an excellent opportunity to go round the city, to see beautiful monuments to the famous people who had lived in Odessa, museums and the Odessa Opera House.
We enjoyed our trip from Odessa to Sochi. The Black Sea was calm. We sat on deck in the lounge chairs and looked at the sea. I like Sochi very much, we bathed and went boating and swimming, lay in the sun on the beach. In the evenings we went for a walk or dropped in at a cafe to have ice-cream or juice.
My father showed us the famous Botanical Gardens, we went for hikes in the mountains, we saw the magnificent Augura Waterfalls. The sea was nice and warm. The weather was fine. When it was time to go home, we were sorry to leave the marvellous town of Sochi.
Наша школа не является лучшим, но мне это нравится. Я хорошо на много предметов. Мои родители счастливы, что я получаю-е и Б .Я думаю, что школа очень важно, потому что мы должны научиться, чтобы получить хорошую работу. Что касается меня, я люблю открывать новые вещи. У меня есть три любимые предметы. Являются наука, ИКТ и истории. Большинство моих учителей хороши, сомы являются строгим, но справедливым. Все хорошо в моей школе. Но я думаю, что должно быть больше полевые поездки и экскурсии, чтобы идти дальше.
Students go to school 5 days a week . There are no lessons on Saturday and Sunday. Lessons started at 8:00 a.m. everyday. The most popular subjects are PE(Physical Education) , IT (Information Technology) , Maths , English, Literature, Russian , Art , History .The library is open from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily.
Перевод: Ученики ходят в школу 5 раз в неделю. у них нет уроков в субботу и воскресенье. Уроки начинаются в 8.00 до полудня ( т.е. утром ) каждый день. Более популярные уроки это физическая культура, информатика , математика, английский язык , литература, русский язык , рисование , история. Библиотека открывается с 10:00 до полудня до 4:00 после полудня ежедневно.
p.m. - после полудня a.m. - до полудня
most - наиболее subject - предметы школьные library - библиотека daily - ежедневно
Most of all I liked summer holidays, they were the longest ones, though, when winter was snowy and and frosty, I enjoyed my winter holidays skating and skiing, sledging and making a snowman or having a fight with snowballs.
I'd like to tell you about my summer holidays I spent in Sochi. It was just three years ago. My parents and me were sitting in the living-room discussing our plans for the summer holidays. My father suggested that we should go to Sochi. On hearing that I jumped up with joy and said it was a wonderful idea. My mother wasn't against the idea either. So one summer morning we started for our journey to Sochi.
First, we travelled to Odessa by plane and from there we got to Sochi by boat. We stayed in Odessa for three days, our relatives live there and they gave us board and lodging. So we had an excellent opportunity to go round the city, to see beautiful monuments to the famous people who had lived in Odessa, museums and the Odessa Opera House.
We enjoyed our trip from Odessa to Sochi. The Black Sea was calm. We sat on deck in the lounge chairs and looked at the sea. I like Sochi very much, we bathed and went boating and swimming, lay in the sun on the beach. In the evenings we went for a walk or dropped in at a cafe to have ice-cream or juice.
My father showed us the famous Botanical Gardens, we went for hikes in the mountains, we saw the magnificent Augura Waterfalls. The sea was nice and warm. The weather was fine. When it was time to go home, we were sorry to leave the marvellous town of Sochi.