Переведи и запиши. - на рисовании мы рисуем и слушаем учителя. - на мы считаем и слушаем учителя. - на физкультуре мы прыгаем, бегаем и слушаем учителя. - на плавании мы плаваем и слушаем учителя. - на чтении мы читаем и слушаем учителя.
On the art lessons we draw and listen to the teacher. on the math lesson we count and listen to our teacher. on the sport lesson we jump,run and listen to our teacher. on the swimming lesson we swim and listen to the teacher. on the reading lesson we read and listen to our teacher.
1.She has a blue eyes and black hair. She has very beautiful face. 2. Has he a sense of humour? 3. He has a lot of work. He has a hard work. 4. I have a rest twice a year. How often you have a rest? 5. Do you have a car? Yes, I have a new car. 6. It's time to have a bite. It's good idea. 7. The water is warm today. Let's swim. 8. It's cold. Let's drink hot tea. 9. Do you have a questions? No, we haven't. All clear. 10. He has a lot of friends. 11. Do you have a lot of relatives? 12. Whwre you have usually dinner? I have dinner at home. 13. He has an alibi. He really has an alibi? Yes, he is. 14. We always have fruits on the table. 15. She has a good reputation. 16. Do you have an e-mail? Yes, I have.
1. Эта диаграмма решить твою проблему. Will this diagram help you to solve your problem? This diagram won't help you to solve your problem. 2.Мы за мирное урегулирование международных проблем. Are we stand for peaceful settlement of international problems? 3. Новая железная дорога будет выдерживать больший объем грузовых перевозок. Will the new railway track carry a greater volume of freight? The new raulway track won't carry a greater volume of freight. 4. Численность электросетей постоянно растёт. Is the number of electrified lines increasing all the time?