N the US, all are obsessed with decorating their yards and houses and attach critical importance to every chance - the harvest festival, Halloween, Christmas. Of course, the most sacred to them is the Christmas decoration. With the New year as such the main mass is not celebrated, the most important holiday - the Christmas (and New year fireworks and fireworks greeted mostly Chinese, Yes, Russian) , but the decorations in our understanding still Christmas, only I will start making in the fall. In public places in October starts wrapping fences and trees, the twinkly lights and Christmas trees set in November. Ordinary citizens put up decorations in early December: light and inflatable figures of Santa Claus, reindeer, Christmas sleds, polar bears, Christmas trees. Elektricheskimi wrapped with garlands of facades of houses and on bushes around the houses wearing special garlands-mesh, and it's all so wonderfully lit at twilight - just a pleasure to ride through the city. Christmas wreaths on the doors and walls, artificial lights in the Windows they decorate their homes creatively and with imagination. In the southern States, where snow in the winter may not be inflatable snowmen and Santa Claus on a green lawn look somewhat comical, but the children get from all this great joy. In the end, they have the right to enjoy the snow, even whirling inside a giant inflatable ball, even the foam. In fact, for them it is all about.
There are different kinds of sports both in our country and abroad. Some people participate in them, others prefer watching them on TV. Among the most popular kinds of sports are swimming, cycling, yoga, jogging. I know that swimming is good for the back. Cycling is good for the legs, and it’s relaxing. Yoga is good for breathing. Jogging is good for losing weight, it’s very good for the heart too. Tennis is fun and very exiting. It’s very good for arms and legs. I like it a lot. Some young men are interested in boxing, volleyball, wrestling, windsurfing. Visiting fitness centers is very popular nowdays. Women attend aerobic classes, men lift weights. Many kinds of sport originated in England, golf is Scotland’s chief contribution to British sport. Rugby Union the amateur variety of Rugby football, is the Welsh national sport, soccer is the game that is played in nearly all countries. Cricket is one of the most favourite games of English people. It is also played by women and girls.
As for me, I prefer swimming and cycling in the forest on a clear spring or summer day. Sometimes I play tennis with my friends and I can say that I feel much better going info sports.
2.They work in the shop.