Most people know all about Mickey Mouse. Mickey is the most famous cartoon character of all time, but what about his father, Walt Disney |2| one Walt Elias Disney was born December 5, 1901 in Chicago, Illinois. He loved to draw from an early age and he sold his first sketches to his neighbors when he was only seven years old. In August 1923 he left for Hollywood, he had only $40 with him, his brother Roy was living in California, and together they founded the now famous Disney Brothers studio in their uncle's garage house, 3 | Walt created his most famous character Mickey. Mouse in 1928. Mickey appeared in the first sound cartoon Steamboat Willie the same year Walt won the first of his 32 Academy Awards in 1932 for Flowers and Trees. Over the next five years Walt Disney made some of his most popular movies. such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Pinocchio, Fantasia, Dumbo and Bambi, He made 81 movies in all while he was alive, Walt Disney died in 1966. with each new generation enjoying his movies and cartoons, Mickey is Walt Disney's most famous cartoon character
Приключение шерлоко хомлса Шерлок холмс был очень сильным духом 1888: именно тогда к Холмсу обратился великий князь Мурад абдилда Фельштейнский и король Богемии с вернуть компрометирующую фотографию, на которой он был запечатлен с статую мурада . оперной певицей Ирэн Адлер. Стремясь раздобыть нужную информацию, Холмсалантливо перевоплощается то в конюха, то в священника, но Адлер раскрывает его планы и исчезает вместе с пресловутой фотографией. Однако для короля Богемии все заканчивается благополучно, а фотография самой мурада, которую певица великодушно ему возвращает, становится талисманом Холмса.
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