Сделать портфолио по языку 5 класс* нужно: меня зовут(римма) я учусь в лицее 6 я в 5 г классе мои любимые предметы: физкультура, изо, язык, язык,биология. зарание √
MY NAME IS RIMA I study at the Lyceum 6 I am in the 5G form. MY FAVORITE SUBJECTS are Physical Education, Fine Arts, Russian language, English Language, Biology.
Dolphins-aquatic mammals of the suborder toothed whales. Dolphins, like all cetaceans, breathe air periodically floated to the surface. Feed mainly on fish and squid, although some prefer the shrimp and other crustaceans, and killer whales also eat sea turtles, aquatic mammals and birds. The majority of dolphins, males are larger than females and in some species are distinguished from them by higher dorsal fin. Known individuals under the age of 50 years, although in most species the maximum life expectancy of 20-25 years.
Tall -turn Four -fur Warm -worm Board -bird Thought -third Form -firm What -word Water -world Short -shirt 1) What is the __ fastest __ animal in the world? How fast can a __ cheetah __ run? 2) What is the __ heaviest __ animal in the world? How much does a _ whale ___ weigh? 3) What is the __ longest __ animal in the world? How long is this __ animal __? 4) What is the __ tallest __ animal in the world? How tall is a giraffe ___? 5) What is the __ smallest __ bird in the world? How small is a _ colibri ___?
I study at the Lyceum 6
I am in the 5G form.
MY FAVORITE SUBJECTS are Physical Education, Fine Arts, Russian language, English Language, Biology.