Вопрос и отрицание два ответа(то есть yes и noy) 1) моя мама мыла полы 2 дня назад. 2) собака бегала по улице на неделе. 3) я переводил длинный текст вчера. 4) мы рисовали картины вчера.
My mother was not washing the floors two days ago. Was my mother wash the floors two days ago? The dog was not ranning to the street to last week. Was the dog run to the street to last week? I was not translating a long text yesterday. Was I translating a long text yesterday? We were not painting pictures yesterday. Were we painting pictures yesterday?
Добрый день ( имя человека)! Как дела? Хочу пригласить тебя пойти со мной на футбольный матч! Давай встретимся в 16:45 возле стадиона! Буду очень рад, если ты придешь) Буду ждать!
Английская версия:) Dear (name of person ) ! How are you ? I want to invite you to come with me to a football match ! Let's meet at 16:45 near the stadium ! I would be very happy if you 'll come
In my childhood I often watched TV shows associated with the police,so I dreamed of becoming an investigator. After a while this desire is not lost. The role of this profession is very high.In this job the person must disclose the Affairs,murders,to understand the different conflicts. For this profession a person must have secondary or higher education. And the skills and qualities should include:ability to run fast,and good logic thinking,courage and responsibility. Of equipment a person can work with the weapons,as their own safety. My family don't approve of my choice,especially my mother. She believes that this is a very dangerous profession,which may turn life is not the best way.And friends,on the contrary,support it.Believe that this kind of work really suits me.I think this profession is very popular,especially now. In the world there are wars,conflicts, national and political,the investigators in this case badly needed to get to the truth. Even in buusim the profession will not remain without attention.