М.Ю. Лермонтов "Бородино", выразительные средства:
Метафоры: Да, были люди в наше время/ плохая им досталась доля: немногие вернулись с поля.../ есть разгуляться где на воле/ у наших ушки на макушке/ и думал: угощу я друга/ уж мы пойдем ломить стеною, уж постоим мы головою за Родину свою/ пора добраться до картечи/ И только небо засветилось/ Полковник наш рожден был хватом/ сражен булатом, он спит в земле сырой/ И до конца стоять/ Вот затрещали барабаны, и отступили бусурманы.
Эпитеты: леса синие верхушки/ грозной сечи/ кивер избитый/ дым летучий/ русский бой удалый/ Могучее, лихое племя.
Сравнения: Французы двинулись, как тучи/ Носились знамена, как тени/ Земля тряслась — как наши груди/ залпы тысячи орудий слились в протяжный вой.
Олицерворения: ночная пала тень/ Звучал булат, картечь визжала.
Every year more and more Kazakhstanis join physical culture. In General, more than four million people, or 27.4% of the population, are engaged in physical education and sports. As stated by the Minister of culture and sports arystanbek Mukhamediuly, this indicator has grown by 2.3% in three years. The main mass of “active” people are schoolchildren and students. It is noteworthy that the most athletic Kazakhstanis live in the East Kazakhstan region.
The population is also attracted to mass sports through presidential tests, which are attended by more than four million people every year. Create conditions for disabled people who are engaged in sports. Of great interest to the people of Kazakhstan are the national sports. The share of those involved in these sports increased from 5.9% in 2013 to 7.7% in 2016. “We only have data for 2016, but after EXPO, the situation will be different in 2017. For example, the Kazanat racetrack in Astana hosted games in national sports, which aroused great interest. In addition, we held the world Cup in kokpar for the first time,” the Minister of culture and sports said. Today, the Republic has seven specialized sports clubs and a Center for national and equestrian sports in Astana. At the same time, the project “Kazakstan barysy” has already become a national sports brand and reached the international level through the organization of such tournaments as “Eurasia barysy” and “Olem barysy”.