Дорис уже пол года ест гамбургеры из Макдональдса
Doris has been eating McDonald's hamburgers for half a year now.
Дорис уже пол года ходит на кружок по волейболу.
Doris has been attending a volleyball club for half a year now.
Дорис и я не разговариваем уже пол года.
Doris and I haven't spoken in half a year.
Дорис живёт богатой жизнью уже пол года.
Doris has been living a rich life for half a year now.
Дорис не может сделать уборку уже пол года.
Doris hasn't been able to clean for half a year now.
Дорис ужезжает в командировку через пол года.
Doris is leaving on a business trip in half a year.
Дорис работает в этой компании уже пол года.
Doris has been with this company for half a year.
1. I went to school yesterday.
2. I went to supermarket yesterday.
3. I washed the dishes yesterday.
4. He was in the zoo yesterday.
5.They were in the cinema yesterday.
1. I didn't go to supermarket yesterday.
2. I didn't go to supermarket yesterday.
3. I didn't wash the dishes yesterday.
4. He wasn't in the zoo yesterday.
5. They weren't in the cinema yesterday.
1. Did you wash the dishes, yesterday?
2. Did you go to supermarket yesterday?
3. Did you wash the dishes yesterday?
4. Did he was in the zoo yesterday?
5. Did they were in the cinema yesterday?