I'm standing on top of a large, snow-covered hill, which has now come down to the participants ski competitions. In our school, this event is held for the first time, it Involves students, members of the ski club.
The hill is very steep, and I, unable to even stand on skis, don't know how not to be afraid to ride down! However skiers, it seems, did not bother this height: they warm up safely away from the audience, talking among themselves, laughing merrily. Here sounded the alarm about the start — and the first of the participants came to the edge, sat down and.. . rapidly rushed down.
Вы бывали в Лондоне? Большинство музеев в Лондоне бесплатные. Этот музей очень интересный. Его стоит посетить. Я устал от скучных уроков. Мой отец уже починил правое крыло машины. Она хотела бы бороться против жестокого обращения с животными. Осторожно! Сторожевая собака идёт. Во всём мире множество разных видов животных и птиц. Мы исчезающих животных. Моя бабуля очень добрая. Мэг уживается со своими родственниками очень хорошо. подготовьтесь к тесту по математике. Я бы хотела избавиться от некоторой старой одежды. Все мы стараемся сохранить хорошую форму. Он хороший друг. Он умеет хранить секреты.
Russia is my country. I was born here, I live in it. In Russia, a lot of cities. Capital Of Russia - Moscow. In fact, Russia has three significant city - Saint-Petersburg, Moscow and Veliky Novgorod. In some countries now at war. But when I grow up, I will protect Russia from the attacks of enemies. No one would dare to attack Russia! Incidentally, Russia is the largest country in the world. Despite the fact that live in it are 146 million people, it ranks only 8th in terms of population. But I still love my Russia.
The hill is very steep, and I, unable to even stand on skis, don't know how not to be afraid to ride down! However skiers, it seems, did not bother this height: they warm up safely away from the audience, talking among themselves, laughing merrily. Here sounded the alarm about the start — and the first of the participants came to the edge, sat down and.. . rapidly rushed down.