The last inch teaches us that the difficulties jointly overcome by tests unite and unite people, even if there is a whole gulf between them. Davy and Ben have already built a strong bridge by their courage and fearlessness, sensitivity to the pain of the other and trusting each other, who managed to bind them for life. Do not be afraid that Davy still does not understand this. Ben will surely be able to find the strength and the means, will take another step, overcoming the last inch that separates him from the boy's heart.
Aldridge's story is another vivid example of belief in a person’s unlimited possibilities, in his ability to withstand any difficulties in life, if there is a comrade next to whom you can rely on.
1) I know him very well. We have been friends for more than 10 years.
2) Andrew has bought a new car.
3) You have been reading for 2 hours! You need a rest!
4) Mother has cooked lunch. Let's sit down to table.
5) I have been working for 4 hours and have done only a half.
6) Where have you been all this time?
7) You are all dirty! Have you been playing football again?
8) He has lived in Moscow for 20 years.
9) What have you prepared for today?
10) He has been repairing the TV-set for 3 hours and hasn't finished yet.