1. Что празднует Рождество?
2. Откуда произошло название «Рождество»?
3. Как люди в США и Канаде празднуют Рождество?
4. Что дети делают на Рождество?
5. Какой главный символ Рождества?
6. Из чего состоит традиционный рождественский ужин?
а вот ответы на вопросы:
1 One of the main Christian holidays, established in honor of the birth in the flesh of Jesus Christ from the Virgin Mary. In Orthodoxy, it is one of the Lord's twelve holidays and is preceded by a 40-day Christmas fast.
2 From Church Slavonic, cf. Old Russian rye, Art. - Slav. birth (γέννησις; Ostrom., Klotz., Sup.). Associated with giving birth.
3 Christmas in Canada is definitely one of the most important holidays of the year. They celebrate it, for the most part, as in other Western countries, but still have their own characteristics.
4 They decorate the tree, decorate the house
5 Christmas tree and festive table. Wreaths on the doors and tangerines
6 The traditional Christmas dinner consists of meatless dishes that symbolize health, luck and prosperity. These are apples, honey, nuts, vegetable salads, raisins, celery, and fish must be present. Duck, goose and turkey are served for the second Christmas meal on December 25th.
Moreover,there is nothing more important than health.
Wise people even say."Health is above wealth",because if you can t study or work properly.Unfortunately having perfect health is almost impossible nowadays.