Winter-cold season. At this time everywhere snow. Birds departed to warm regions, there were only crows. Early in the morning when you go to school, on high trees there are a lot of crows. Winter month it is December, January, February. In December cold often it is snowing. In January new year. In February grows warm, snow thaws in the end and there comes the spring. To be pleasant to me the winter! Зима-холодное время года. В это время года повсюду снег. Птицы улетели в тёплые края, остались только вороны. Рано утром когда идёшь в школу, на высоких деревьях много ворон. Зимние месяца это -декабрь, январь, февраль. В декабре холодно часто идёт снег. В январе новый год. В феврале теплеет, под конец тает снег и наступает весна. Мне нравиться зима!
I am writing to you from Vienna. My family and I came here a week ago. We are staying in a comfortable hotel in centre of the city. The weather is (тут,видимо,что-то пропущено) fine. We have already been to ST Stephen's Cathedral and somepalaces. I have taken some fhotos of them. They are so beautiful! Yesterday we triedsome local dishes. They all are delicious, especially the cakes. Tomorrow we will go to a concert of Strauss' musik. You know my mum is fond of waltzes. We haven't doneshopping yet, but I hope we will have enough time for it
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