1. 1) He said that he had to finish that report by five o'clock. - Он сказал, что он должен закончить доклад к 5 часам. 2) Ann said to me she was leaving in the morning. - Анна сказала мне, что она уезжает утром. 3) John said that he had seen that film the week before. - Джон сказал, что он видел этот фильм на неделе. 2. 1)If it were possible to live on the Moon, people would be able to jump about six times as high as they can on the Earth. – Если бы была возможна жизнь на Луне, то люди бы могли прыгать в 6 раз выше, чем на Земле. 2) If he were here now, he would tell us many interesting stories about his trip. – Если бы он был здесь сейчас, он бы рассказал нам много интересных историй о его поездке. 3) If she could, she would certainly help you. – Если бы она могла, она бы, конечно тебе. 3. 1) If you drive slowly, you won’t have any accidents. – Если ты будешь ехать медленней, у тебя не будет никаких несчастных случаев. 2) If you study hard, you can easily pass your exam. – Если ты будешь заниматься упорно, ты легко сможешь сдать экзамен.
Which language in Austria? do they speak I am going travelling myself. by Christopher is England. from What for dinner? - Pasta, please. would you like Is that your suitcase? - Yes, my suitcase. that is What during the weekend? did you do the afternoon we could go for a walk. In You shouldn't open the window you have to. unless I wish I more time. had Unfortunately, I able to complete the task. wasn't There a mistake in your calculations. appears to be She is studying a doctor. to become We would appreciate your attention during the seminar. complete If there is anything we can help you with; please . let us know We reported our findings to the chairman and he . approved I set myself , but I think it is good to be ambitious. great objectives Time and money are both major . factors The details of last week's meeting were recorded in the . minutes The soup was , but also very . tasty / spicy He needed to go to the bank to make a . deposit She considered all her options before making the . investment The bank asked for because of the risks involved. credit It's important to keep an eye on the when traveling abroad. exchange rate
1) I will help you if I am not busy.
2) If he came here now , I would be surprised.
3) they would be glad if we phoned them.
4) If she had had more time then , she would have studied English .