1. The address was written on a sheet of paper. 2. The dress is made of silk. 3. The dog was injected yesterday. 4. The letter will send soon. 5. The lectures are attended by all the students. 6. The helicopter is piloted by my dad. 7. The flowers will water tomorrow. 8. The keys were lost yesterday. 9. The tests are written every month. 10. The car was repaired three days ago. 11. The mobile will bought next month. 12. The tower was designed by Eiffel. 13. My cousin is taken to the hospital. 14. The pictures were taken yesterday
Yesterday I woke up at ten o'clock in the morning. I made a bed and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed, combed my hair. Then I went to the kitchen where my mother was cooking. I ate a sandwich and drank a cup of tea. After that, I got dressed and went out into the street where my friend was waiting for me. We played and laughed. After that my mom called me and told me to go home. I had lunch and asked my mother if I could watch TV. She let me. After watching the show, I went to the shower and then to bed. Yesterday was a great day.
Вчера я проснулась в десять часов утра. Я застелила кровать и направилась в ванную. Я почистила зубы и умылась, расчесала свои волосы. Затем я пошла на кухню, где мама готовила. Я съела бутерброд и выпила чашку чая. После этого я оделась и вышла на улицу где меня ждала моя подруга. Мы играли и смеялись. После этого моя мама позвонила мне и сказала идти домой. Я пообедала и спросила у мамы могу ли посмотреть телевизор. Она разрешила. После просмотра шоу я пошла в душ а потом в кровать. Вчера был отличный день.