1 Джон Напьер разработал костюмы для Кошек.
2 Они обслуживали ужин с 7:00 вечера и дальше.
3 Они перевели книгу на 25 языков.
4 Компания опубликует новую книгу о Гарри Поттере в следующем месяце.
5 Вы не можете использовать камеры в музее.
6 Мэр откроет новую галерею во вторник.
Решение #
1 The costumes for Cats were designed by John Napier.
2 Dinner is served from 7:00 pm onwards.
3 The book has been translated into 25 languages.
4 The new Harry Potter book will be published by the company next month.
5 Cameras are not allowed to be used in the museum.
6 The new gallery will be opened by the Mayor on Tuesday.
Half a century ago, English was just one of the international languages accepted in the world. Over time, the role of the English language in society has grown significantly. Almost every adult in the world dreams of learning the basics of spoken and written English. In addition, they want their children to have a good command of conversational English. There are many reasons for this.
First, wherever we go, people know this language. Whether it's a European country or an Asian and African country, people everywhere will understand you if you explain what you are looking for in English.
Second, almost all global business is conducted in English today. In principle, each area requires knowledge of this language. Students know that English plays a big role in their education and their future careers. Professionals know that if they have at least an intermediate level of English, they will be able to receive significant salary increases and rapid advancement in their careers.
The list is endless, but most importantly, everyone in modern society understands how important English is today.
2) had
3) full
4) taked
5) visited
6) was
7) leaved