1- c
2- b
3- e
4- d
5- f
6- a
1. I will take part (или am taking part/ am going to take part) in football match tomorrow.
2. John goes skateboarding every Sunday.
3. Nelly usually swims in the pool every weekend.
4. Alice wanted to set a new record last month.
5. Mary's teacher is proud of her results.
будущее время (можно выразить разными конструкциями в зависимости от вероятности действия. will - низкая вероятность (менее 50%), Pr.Cont- высокая вероятность (более 90%), going to - средняя вероятность (50-90%) регулярное действие (каждое воскресенье) - Pr. Simpleрутина ( обычно) - Pr. Simple факт о факт о настоящем1. Tom did not see (to see) her as he was reading (to read) when she came (to come) into the kitchen.
2. When Rupert was in Moscow he visited (to visit) the places where he had played (to play) as a boy.
3. The letter arrived (to arrive) 10 minutes after you had left (to leave) the house.
4. It was raining (to rain) hard last night when Mary left (to leave) the office.
5. When I called (to call) for my friend, her brother told (to tell) me that she had left (to leave) half an hour before.
6. I shouted (to shout) to her to stop, but she was running (to run) too fast and did not hear (to hear).
7. Large crowds were waiting (to wait) at the station when the huge delegation arrived (to arrive).
1. zu Weihnachten kann man unvergesslich - Рождество может быть незабываемым.
2. zum Neujahr kann man fröhlich - Новый год может быть веселым.
3. zu Ostern kann man feierliche - Пасха может быть торжественной.
4. zum Muttertag kann man freudige - День матери может быть радостным.