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Найдите в тексте предложения в past progressive и past then one day tarzan saw what he looked like. he and a young ape were drinking water from the lake. tarzan looked in the water. he was shocked: his face was not the same as his friend is; his nose was thin; his eyes were pale; his skin looked bare and shiny. tarzan turned red with shame. he could think of nothing but how ugly he was. he was so upset that he did not hear sabor. sabor was a huge lioness. all the animals in the jungle feared her. now she was right behind tarzan. she was ready to jump – and kill. tarzan and his friend went on drinking water. then they heard a savage roar. they turned around and saw sabor was attacking them! the ape was afraid, he could not move. it was easy for the lioness to kill him. but tarzan was different. his life in the jungle had made him fast an him human brains could think. the second he heard sabor is roar, tarzan looked around. behind him was a deadly lion. in front of him was water. sabor could not swim, neither could tarzan. however, the water looked more appealing than the lion. tarzan jumped in. he sank to the bottom of the lake. most people would have panicked, most people would have drowned. but tarzan was braver than most people. he moved his hands, as if to climb a tree. that made him rise to the top. he kept moving his hands and stayed on top of the water. tarzan was happy. he had learned to swim! sabor waited on the shore. however, tarzan did not come near her. instead he gave an ape cry for help and the tribe heard it. they hurried to the lake. when sabor saw them, she ran away. then tarzan swam to the shore. from that day on he swam whenever he got the chance. the other apes were amazed. they did not like to swim.


He and a young ape were drinking water from the lake. They turned around and saw Sabor was attacking them! - Past Progressive

 His life in the jungle had made him fast an him human brains could think. He had learned to swim! - Past Perfect

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На английском языкеПеревод на русский языкMy Favourite Fairy Tale Моя любимая сказкаBooks have always interested and attracted me. From the very childhood I like listening to my mum’s stories. She normally told me some popular fairy tales, including Cinderella, Pinocchio, Beauty and the Beast. However, my favourite book was about Alice in Wonderland, which was written by a well-known English author Lewis Carroll. It’s a story about a curious little girl, named Alice, who falls down a rabbit hole and meets lots of strange creatures there. When it comes to this fairy tale, I’m ready to hear, read or watch it many times. I liked every moment of it, for example, when Alice drinks the magic syrup and becomes small enough to sneak into an attractive garden. Later, she eats a piece of cookie and becomes of a tremendous size. She cries so much that her tears flood the hallway. When she becomes small again, she has to swim through her own tears. The tale is full of such abstract incidents, but they are setting wonderful atmosphere. During her journey she meets many friends in this imaginary world. One of them is the White Rabbit, who is always in a hurry. Another noteworthy character is the Cheshire Cat, who has a distinctive mischievous grin. Perhaps, the worst character of the fairy tale is the Queen of Hearts. Her favourite phrase is: “Off with their heads!” She nearly killed Alice for being disobedient. One of my favourite parts from the book “Alice in Wonderland” is “A Mad Tea-Party” with the Hatter and the March Hare. They seemed to be having such a good time. Each time I heard this tale, I imagined being in this fantasy world and walking the same routes Alice did. Меня всегда интересовали и завораживали книги. С самого детства я любила слушать рассказы моей мамы. Она обычно рассказывала мне популярные сказки, такие как Золушка, Буратино, Красавица и Чудовище. Но все же моей любимой книгой была «Алиса в стране чудес», написанная известным английским писателем Льюисом Кэрроллом. Это история о любопытном маленькой девочке по имени Алиса, которая падает в кроличью нору и встречает там много странных существ. Когда дело доходит до этой сказки, я готова слушать, читать или смотреть ее много раз. Мне нравился каждый ее эпизод, например, как Алиса выпивает волшебный сироп и становится достаточно маленькой, чтобы проникнуть в красивый сад. Позже, она съедает кусок печенья и становится огромных размеров. Она столько плачет, что ее слезы заполняют коридор. Когда она снова становится маленькой, ей приходится переплывать через собственные слезы. Сказка полна таких абстрактных случаев, но они создают замечательную атмосферу. Во время своего путешествия она встречает множество друзей в этом воображаемом мире. Одним из них является Белый Кролик, который всегда куда-то спешит. Еще один примечательный персонаж – это Чеширский Кот, который имеет характерную озорную улыбку. Возможно, худшим персонажем в сказке является Королева Червей. Ее любимая фраза звучит так: «Отрубить им головы!» Она чуть не убила Алису за непослушание. Одна из моих любимых глав в книге «Алиса в стране чудес» - это «Безумное чаепитие» со Шляпником и Мартовским Зайцем. Создается ощущение, что они прекрасно проводят время. Каждый раз, когда я слышала эту сказку, я представляла себе в этом вымышленном мире и проходилась по тем же маршрутам что и Алиса.
4,8(69 оценок)
My Favourite Fairy Tale
Моя любимая сказка Books have always interested and attracted me. From the very childhood I like listening to my mum’s stories. She normally told me some popular fairy tales, including Cinderella, Pinocchio, Beauty and the Beast. However, my favourite book was about Alice in Wonderland, which was written by a well-known English author Lewis Carroll. It’s a story about a curious little girl, named Alice, who falls down a rabbit hole and meets lots of strange creatures there. When it comes to this fairy tale, I’m ready to hear, read or watch it many times. I liked every moment of it, for example, when Alice drinks the magic syrup and becomes small enough to sneak into an attractive garden. Later, she eats a piece of cookie and becomes of a tremendous size. She cries so much that her tears flood the hallway. When she becomes small again, she has to swim through her own tears. The tale is full of such abstract incidents, but they are setting wonderful atmosphere. During her journey she meets many friends in this imaginary world. One of them is the White Rabbit, who is always in a hurry. Another noteworthy character is the Cheshire Cat, who has a distinctive mischievous grin. Perhaps, the worst character of the fairy tale is the Queen of Hearts. Her favourite phrase is: “Off with their heads!” She nearly killed Alice for being disobedient. One of my favourite parts from the book “Alice in Wonderland” is “A Mad Tea-Party” with the Hatter and the March Hare. They seemed to be having such a good time. Each time I heard this tale, I imagined being in this fantasy world and walking the same routes Alice did.
4,8(83 оценок)
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